Merger in the Air

  • Northwest declares bankruptcy
    With fuel prices flying high and its mechanics still out on strike, Northwest Airlines filed for bankruptcy Wednesday in Manhattan. What will the carrier's Chapter 11 filing mean for its passengers, employees, creditors and shareholders?September 15, 2005
  • The ripple effect of Northwest in bankruptcy
    Northwest Airlines' decision to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection has ripple effects that impact its employees, the state of Minnesota and the region's economy.September 15, 2005
  • Delta also files for bankruptcy
    Delta Air Lines Inc., along with Northwest Airlines, filed for bankruptcy protection Wednesday. Both airlines said they are hobbled by high fuel costs and heavy debt and pension obligations.September 14, 2005
  • Northwest files for bankruptcy
    Northwest Airlines Corp.on Wednesday filed for bankruptcy, weighed down by high fuel and pension costs, low airfares and steep competition from rivals. The Minnesota-based carrier, whose mechanics have been on strike since Aug. 20, filed for Chapter 11 protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy court in Manhattan.September 14, 2005
  • Report: Northwest Airlines may file for bankruptcy
    Northwest Airlines' stocked plunged dramatically on Tuesday when the New York Times reported the airline is on the verge of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. The report comes as the airline hires permanent replacements for striking mechanics.September 13, 2005
  • Replacements may be permanent at Northwest
    Northwest Airlines will begin hiring permanent replacements for more than 2,500 striking mechanics on Tuesday. The mechanics' situation seems more tenuous than ever.September 12, 2005
  • Northwest wants to cut two-thirds of mechanics
    The mechanics union resumed mediation negotiations with Northwest Airlines, but chances of a deal appear slim. Midmorning discusses the state of the strike and looks to other airlines for ways to improve relations between an employer and its employees.September 12, 2005
  • Striking mechanics walk away from talks with Northwest
    Striking mechanics at Northwest Airlines Corp. walked away from talks on Sunday, refusing to say if they would return to the bargaining table before the Tuesday deadline when Northwest says it will start hiring permanent replacements.September 11, 2005
  • Northwest rank-and-file wondering "what's up?"
    Negotiators for Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union are discussing a Northwest proposal that many union members say they could never accept. With little communication from inside the negotiations, many mechanics wonder why the negotiators are still talking.September 9, 2005
  • NWA, AMFA back at the table, but no deal in sight
    Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union sat down for negotiations Thursday, but NWA says its last best offer is now off the table because the airline's fincial situation has worsened. Will the airline and its striking mechanics be able to come to an agreement?September 9, 2005
  • Northwest reportedly asks for deeper cuts from mechanics
    Negotiators for Northwest Airlines and its striking mechanics union face each other again Friday at a Minneapolis hotel. Contract talks resumed Thursday, with a new offer on the table.September 9, 2005
  • FAA union: Inspector's memo leads others to raise concerns
    The union that represents Federal Aviation Administration inspectors says more FAA personnel are stepping forward and raising safety concerns about Northwest Airlines. A Twin Cities-based inspector wrote to FAA management three days into the strike, alleging maintenance errors by Northwest managers and replacement workers.September 8, 2005
  • FAA inspector's memo details maintenance concerns at NWA
    Minnesota Public Radio News has obtained a Federal Aviation Administration inspector's memorandum detailing safety concerns about Northwest Airlines in the first few days of the strike by the airline's mechanics. Federal authorities are investigating the situation.September 8, 2005
  • Northwest, mechanics to resume contract talks
    Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union will resume contract talks Thursday, for the first time since the union walked out almost three weeks ago. Northwest is warning, though, that a tougher financial situation means its negotiating position will be even more harsh than when talks broke off last month.September 7, 2005
  • 'Normal' Northwest operations significantly lag industry
    In the third week of a strike by mechanics at Northwest Airlines, the airline has largely maintained its schedule. But while Northwest says operations have returned to normal, the airline's on-time performance appears to lag the rest of the industry.September 6, 2005
Merger in the Air photo by Michael Carter

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