Merger in the Air

  • NWA retirees fear for benefits in bankruptcy
    Northwest Airlines retirees are gearing up for a fight with their former employer over medical benefits. A retiree committee is slated to meet the airline in bankruptcy court sometime during the week of May 15 for hearings.May 7, 2006
  • Northwest pilots approve pay-cut deal
    Northwest Airlines Corp. pilots approved a package of deep pay cuts and other concessions that the bankrupt carrier said it needs to reorganize. About 63 percent of Northwest's 4,800 pilots voted to approve the pact.May 3, 2006
  • Northwest, pilots reach tentative agreement
    The possibility of a pilots strike at Northwest Airlines is on hold, with news that pilots and the airline reached a tentative deal late Friday morning. Northwest has now tentatively achieved the labor cost savings it sought from all of its employee groups.March 3, 2006
  • NWA, pilots still locked in negotations
    Northwest Airlines' pilot's union has voted to authorize a strike, and the airline could ask a bankruptcy judge to void the union's contract, but for now both sides are still trying to arrive at a cost-cutting agreement through negotiation.Midday, March 3, 2006
  • NWA and flight attendants hit tough compromises
    Northwest's deal with its flight attendants may signal the end of one episode in the two sides' arduous negotiations, but it doesn't mean the hard work is over.March 1, 2006
  • Northwest labor woes continue
    Northwest airlines pilots and flight attendants are voting on whether to strike while a judge continues to consider whether the airlines can scrap their contracts.Midmorning, February 21, 2006
  • Northwest strikers want unemployment benefits
    Members of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association held a rally on Monday at the state Capitol to make their case and mark the six-month anniversary of their strike.February 20, 2006
  • Northwest Airlines pilots to take strike vote
    A bankruptcy judge wants the airline and its unions to reach a contract deal before soon. But the pilots union leaders said the rank and file will be voting on whether to authorize a strike.February 3, 2006
  • The consumer's stake in showdown between unions, NWA
    Northwest insists customers won't see any immediate effects from the company's ongoing contract negotiations with its other unions or its appearance before a bankruptcy judge.January 20, 2006
  • NWA bankruptcy hearings near end
    Attorneys for the two unions spent much of Thursday cross-examining one of Northwest's top finance officials, who earlier in the week told the court the airline is running out of money.January 19, 2006
  • Northwest presses its cost-cutting plan as bankruptcy trial begins
    A federal bankruptcy judge is urging Northwest Airlines and two of its biggest unions to keep negotiating on a package of concessions. Tuesday, Judge Allan Gropper began hearing Northwest's request to reject the existing union contracts to save money.January 17, 2006
  • Bankruptcy trial looms for Northwest and unions
    Northwest airlines and two of its biggest unions have one day left to reach contract agreements. Tuesday, a bankruptcy judge takes up Northwest's request to reject the contracts of its unions, which have refused to accept its cost-cutting proposals.January 15, 2006
  • Contract deadline looms for Northwest and its unions
    Contract negotiators for Northwest Airlines and its three largest unions are in New York, working to come to agreement on hundreds of millions of dollars in cost reductions. If they can't reach a deal, the matter will move to the hands of a federal bankruptcy court judge on Tuesday. Minnesota Public Radio's Mark Zdechlik is in New York covering the talks.January 13, 2006
  • NWA employees, preparing for the worst, support each others' side jobs
    Northwest Airlines' employees are preparing for more wage and job cuts, as the airline prepares to ask a bankruptcy judge to allow it to impose cuts on its unions. Against this backdrop, some of the airline's Twin Cities employees are banding together to prepare to make it without jobs at Northwest.January 13, 2006
  • Can NWA's unions strike?
    NWA's unions say they'll strike if a bankruptcy judge imposes new contract terms on them. But legal experts disagree on whether the unions have the right to strike.January 10, 2006
Merger in the Air photo by Michael Carter

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