Merger in the Air

  • The travelers' take on the new NWA
    Northwest Airlines emerges from bankruptcy Thursday. The airline has slashed labor and other costs, shed huge amounts of debt, and launched a fleet upgrade that will cost billions of dollars. Northwest says it'll be a better airline. Travelers hope so.May 31, 2007
  • Flight attendants blast management gains at Northwest
    Flight attendants and pilots from Northwest Airlines rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday to draw attention to a widening gap between their salaries and compensation for top airline executives.May 30, 2007
  • NWA flight attendants narrowly ratify pay cuts
    Northwest Airlines flight attendants have narrowly approved a package of pay and benefit cuts. The flight attendants had rejected two previous proposals for give-backs.May 29, 2007
  • Northwest to exit bankruptcy, but its workers are still unhappy
    In the two years it's been under bankruptcy proceedings, Northwest has shed jobs and planes, and its operations have been making a profit lately. Many observers praise Northwest's focused approach to its bankruptcy process. But Northwest workers say they sacrificed more than they should have.May 18, 2007
  • NWA's bankruptcy plan in court
    Northwest Airlines reaches the final stages of its plan to resolve its bankruptcy this week. But what is the legacy for the airlines' unions? And does the turbulence in airline industry affect customer service?Midmorning, May 17, 2007
  • Northwest says creditors approve its reorganization plan
    Northwest Airlines said its creditors approved its reorganization plan, another key step in its plan to emerge from bankruptcy protection next month. An unofficial vote tally shows that almost 97 percent of creditors who voted approved the plan.May 9, 2007
  • Flight attendants -- will the third contract be the charm?
    Northwest Airlines and the union representing its flight attendants have reached yet another tentative contract deal. It's the third in the past year. The union's rank and file rejected the first two when they were put to a vote.April 26, 2007
  • Northwest Airlines and Duluth resolve abandoned hangar issue
    State Finance officials say a new deal will pay off the debt on Northwest Airlines Duluth maintenance facility. Duluth officials say it opens the way to find another tenant for the building and relieve them of a multi-million dollar headache.April 12, 2007
  • Court: Flight attendants at Northwest Airlines may not strike
    The flight attendants had sought the right to strike after Northwest, with a bankruptcy judge's permission, imposed pay cuts and other work rule changes as it reorganized.March 29, 2007
  • Northwest Airlines projects it'll be worth $7B post-bankruptcy
    Northwest Airlines today revealed its plan for exiting bankruptcy and charting its future in the often chaotic airline industry. The bankruptcy filing lays out Northwest's plan for how it'll do business in the future, and how much money it will make.February 15, 2007
  • Northwest flight attendants want out of pay cuts
    Flight attendants at Northwest Airlines asked a bankruptcy judge on Monday to reconsider pay cuts in light of the carrier's improving fortunes.February 12, 2007
  • Lawmakers want to weigh in on benefits to NWA
    The Metropolitan Airports Commission may vote Wednesday on a plan that would provide $240 million in benefits to Northwest Airlines over 15 years. But several state lawmakers argue the Legislature should have final say on any deal with Northwest.February 6, 2007
  • Merger pressures likely to continue despite US Airways dropping bid for Delta
    US Airways is calling off its bid for Delta Air Lines. But industry analysts expect the pressure to merge that's facing Eagan-based Northwest Airlines and other carriers will continue.January 31, 2007
  • No merger for NWA this year, official says
    Northwest Airlines CEO Doug Steenland says the airline has no plans for a merger this year, and intends to keep its headquarters in Minnesota.January 30, 2007
  • Northwest looks to the airport for financial help
    Since Northwest Airlines entered bankruptcy, the company has squeezed more than $1 billion in concessions out of its suppliers, workers and lenders. Now it's the Twin Cities airport's turn. The stakes involve almost $250 million, and the airline's Twin Cities hub and headquarters.January 29, 2007
Merger in the Air photo by Michael Carter

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