Election Coverage from MPR

On the third day of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, the political rhetoric has ramped up, and Sen. John McCain's pick for Vice President is getting set to address the delegates. As part of our special convention coverage, Gary Eichten talks with political analysts, delegates and more live from the Xcel Energy Center, the site of the Republican National Convention. (Midday, 09/03/2008)
Hundreds of people unhappy with the two major political parties are offering a noisy endorsement of Texas Congressman Ron Paul at a day-long rally in Minneapolis. (09/02/2008)
President Bush will address the delegation via satellite at the Republican National Convention tonight. Much of the convention's opening night schedule was scrubbed last night in anticipation of Hurricane Gustav. (Midday, 09/02/2008)
Today's pared down schedule at the Republican National Convention gave two Minnesota Republicans some extra time to focus on their own campaigns. (09/01/2008)
Minnesota's U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman is defending fellow GOP lawmakers who are skipping the Republican National Convention because they're busy with re-election campaigns. (09/01/2008)
Many businesses expect to profit handsomely from the $150 million the Republican National Convention is expected to shower on the Twin Cities. But some businesses are already disappointed. (09/01/2008)


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