Election Coverage from MPR

John McCain challenged Barak Obama on several fronts in a spirited discussion, but was it enough to change the complexion of the race? Midmorning analyzes the presidential debate on domestic policy at Hofstra University. (Midmorning, 10/16/2008)
The Minneapolis St. Paul Host Committee says it raised $51 million in contributions from corporations and individuals. (10/15/2008)
John McCain assailed Barack Obama's character and his campaign positions on taxes, abortion and more Wednesday night, hoping to turn their final presidential debate into a launching pad for a political comeback. "You didn't tell the American people the truth," he said. (10/15/2008)
New campaign finance reports show that DFL challenger Al Franken raised nearly twice as much money as Republican Sen. Norm Coleman during the last reporting period. (10/15/2008)
A federal judge has granted a request from The Associated Press and other media groups to block a Minnesota law that would have kept exit pollsters far away from the polls on Election Day. (10/15/2008)
Candidates, special interest groups and political parties spend millions of dollars trying to influence who you'll vote for on election day. One of the best, and most expensive, ways to do that is through TV advertising. MPR News took a look at how much the candidates have spent on TV advertising in the Twin Cities. (10/15/2008)


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