Election Coverage from MPR

Local election officials throughout Minnesota said there was a mostly smooth start today to the manual recount of votes in the U.S. Senate race between incumbent Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken. (11/19/2008)
Representatives from the campaigns of Sen. Norm Coleman and Al Franken have been challenging ballots across the state. It's your turn to play election judge. Tell us how you would rule in the case of these challenged ballots. (11/19/2008)
A Ramsey County District Court judge has ordered the release of information on absentee voters who had their ballots disqualified in this month's U.S. Senate election. (11/19/2008)
Senate candidate Al Franken has met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to brief him on the recount in Minnesota. (11/19/2008)
Minnesota election officials are beginning to hand count votes in the race between incumbent Norm Coleman and challenger Al Franken for the U.S. Senate. We'll have status reports from around the state. (Midday, 11/19/2008)
Election officials throughout Minnesota have begun recounting nearly three million ballots to determine who won the U.S. Senate race. (11/19/2008)


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