Election Coverage from MPR

Right down to the arena thermostat setting, planning for next year's Republican National Convention is occurring with painstaking detail and the pace of preparations is about to pick up. (03/05/2007)
A lawyer for FBI whistleblower Jane Turner said Friday that he will run for Congress in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District, currently held by freshman GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann. (03/02/2007)
Minnesota's senior U.S. senator, Republican Norm Coleman, discusses the war in Iraq and other major issues facing Congress. He also takes questions from MPR listeners. (Midday, 02/26/2007)
Another Presidents Day will come and go before Americans choose their next commander-in-chief, but the field of hopefuls is already getting crowded. How is the race in '08 shaping up at this early date? (Midday, 02/19/2007)
In a fundraising letter, Sen. Norm Coleman wrote to supporters earlier this month that he is the national Democrats' top target in 2008. (02/15/2007)
Al Franken made it official Wednesday. The comedian and liberal talk radio host announced he's challenging U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., for his seat in 2008. (Midday, 02/15/2007)


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