Election Coverage from MPR

You have to wonder what Martin Luther King would say. Forty years after Dr. King's death, for the first time, a black man has a real shot at the White House. What does Barack Obama's candidacy mean to African-Americans in Minnesota? (01/21/2008)
As Minnesota's precinct caucuses draw near, several DFL activists shared their views about the candidates and what they think is important heading into the endorsement decision. (01/20/2008)
As the presidential campaign moves on to Nevada and South Carolina, political science professors from both of those states analyze the campaigns and what impact they're having on voters. (Midday, 01/18/2008)
With the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses looming, the economy is becoming the major issue of the presidential race. Midmorning looks at how the candidates and the voters are responding to the slowing economy. (Midmorning, 01/18/2008)
The advent of YouTube and other Internet video sites fueled a new breed of citizen journalists during the 2006 midterm elections, and the trend is expected to grow this year. Already there are signs in Minnesota that the candidates are paying attention. (01/17/2008)
The CEO of a Twin Cities printing company says he's running for Congress in Minnesota's 3rd district as an independent. (01/16/2008)


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