Election Coverage from MPR

Minnesota's first elected black member of Congress, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, DFL-Minn., will join Midday to talk about the historical nature of the likely nomination of Barack Obama, who would be the first black person nominated for president by a major party. (Midday, 06/03/2008)
As the primary season wraps up and the speculation on the future of Hillary Clinton's campaign heats up, Midmorning looks ahead at the upcoming general election campaign with two political writers. (Midmorning, 06/03/2008)
Just before the last primaries in the 2008 election, Gustavus Adolphus College political science professor Chris Gilbert discusses the presidential campaign, as well as the U.S. Senate race in Minnesota and the messages from the two state political party conventions. (Midday, 06/02/2008)
The Democratic presidential hopefuls continue to blanket the state of South Dakota Monday in the last day of campaigning before Tuesday's primary. (06/02/2008)
Later this week state Democrats will gather in Rochester for their state convention where they'll pick a Senate candidate. Republican held their convention over the weekend. (06/01/2008)
Republican delegates have adjourned their state convention after meeting for the past two days in Rochester and hearing from Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Karl Rove. (05/31/2008)


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