Republican National Convention

Away from the convention floor and TV cameras, politicians are using the national conventions as a backdrop to raise money and rub elbows with big donors, including Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman, who faces a tough re-election challenge this year. (09/03/2008)
The bars and restaurants along West Seventh Street, especially, say sales have been down. (09/03/2008)
Sen. John McCain joins Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin onstage at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Police use tear gas to disperse the crowd remaining after Rage Against the Machine concert in Minneapolis. (09/03/2008)
A Michigan man was charged in what authorities said was a scheme to use Molotov cocktails to attack the main arena for the Republican National Convention. (09/03/2008)
Claiming her historic spot on the Republican ticket, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin mocked Barack Obama's experience and promise of change Wednesday night and pledged to help John McCain upend the Washington establishment. (09/03/2008)
Anticipation is growing for vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC tonight. Minnesota delegates have been talking about what the Alaska governor needs to accomplish tonight to appeal to a wider national audience. (09/03/2008)
After deflecting questions about vice presidential jockeying for weeks, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty acknowledged for the first time how close he came to being John McCain's running mate. (09/03/2008)
Three GOP heavyweights make their cases for Sen. John McCain as the best presidential candidate from the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. (Midday, 09/03/2008)
Police say the RNC Welcoming Committee, a group of self-described anarchists, plotted to burn vehicles, spear police with poles, and even discussed kidnapping delegates. An attorney for the defendants says charging the activists with terrorism is "an abuse of the criminal justice system." (09/03/2008)
Some bars staying open until 4 a.m. this week say they think it will be worth the extra costs, but others say traffic has been slow. (09/03/2008)
Supporters of former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul gathered across the river in downtown Minneapolis for their own convention. (09/03/2008)
It was supposed to be President Bush's glory moment in his party's spotlight. Instead, Bush's brief appearance Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Minnesota was essentially a footnote. (09/03/2008)
About 50 female Republicans gathered at the Mall of America Tuesday for a fashion show and fundraiser for battered women. (09/03/2008)
Sen. Joe Lieberman criticized his former party's nominee as an untested candidate unwilling to challenge powerful interest groups. (09/02/2008)
President Bush promised Tuesday that the nation would be safer with John McCain as president, saying his courageous life and sound judgment make the Arizona senator the man Americans need in the White House. (09/02/2008)
Republican National Convention St. Paul September 1-4


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Brad Abel takes a boat to monitor pumps in Oakport



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Chief John Harrington talks about RNC tactics

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