
A small group of protesters marched to the demonstration zone outside the Democratic National Convention, complaining they are being treated like political prisoners. (08/25/2008)
Why is Hillary Clinton so popular with Republicans? The Republican National Committee today tried to counter the good feelings among Democrats in Denver by highlighting Democrats who are supporting John McCain. (08/25/2008)
House speaker Nancy Pelosi says the Democratic party still has to work to unite voters divided by the primary. Hillary Clinton says she backs Barack Obama, but acknowledges her delegates still want to vote for their choice. Two political observers talk about the remaining divisions in the party, including women who still want to cast their votes for Senator Clinton. (Midmorning, 08/25/2008)
Just like the DNC, Meditate 08! brings in high-profile speakers to inspire attendees. But instead of roaring cheers, the sign of approval here is contemplative silence. (08/25/2008)
David Gilbert-Pederson is only 17 right now, though he'll be old enough to vote this year... just barely. (08/25/2008)
Ailing Sen. Edward M. Kennedy prepared to attend, and possibly speak at, the opening of the Democratic National Convention on Monday. (08/25/2008)
Minnesota's delegates to the Democratic National Convention got a pep talk this morning from the state's top party leaders. (08/25/2008)
News Cut blogger Bob Collins is in Denver, covering the Democratic National Convention, and giving us his behind-the-scenes look at what's going on there. (08/25/2008)
The day before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, party leaders and activists were both busy preparing for the first day of the Convention in Denver. (08/25/2008)
On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama said Sunday he hoped a week of political speechmaking would persuade reluctant middle-class voters to swing behind his bid for the White House. (08/24/2008)
Among the cheering masses when Barack Obama accepts his party's nomination this week will be the 109 members of Minnesota's Democratic National Convention delegation. (08/24/2008)
Barack Obama's road to Denver and the Democratic nomination ran through Eau Claire, Wis., yesterday. (08/24/2008)
Democratic delegates from Michigan and Florida were awarded full voting rights at the national convention Sunday, despite holding early primaries against party rules. (08/24/2008)
About 200 anti-war demonstrators have gathered outside the Colorado state Capitol for a rally before marching through downtown Denver on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. (08/24/2008)
The federal government is telling emergency managers to be on the lookout for fake emergency and commercial vehicles during this year's political conventions. (08/22/2008)



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