Democratic National Convention

Barack Obama will be unveiling a delicate balancing act tonight, trying to get personal with 75,000 supporters in a massive stadium and millions more at home while explaining how as president he would make a difference in their lives. (08/28/2008)
Sen. John Kerry, the one-time presidential nominee whose campaign crumbled under attacks on his military service and consistency, told fellow Democrats on Wednesday that he doesn't recognize Republican John McCain, a man he once considered as a runningmate. (08/27/2008)
Joe Biden declared Wednesday that America doesn't need a good soldier in the White House, it needs the wise leadership of Barack Obama. (08/27/2008)
Former President Clinton forcefully endorsed Barack Obama's bid for the White House on Wednesday, telling delegates to the Democratic convention that Obama is "ready to lead America and restore American leadership in the world." (08/27/2008)
The Democratic National Convention has nominated Barack Obama as the party's presidential candidate, the first black American ever named to lead a major party into the fall elections. (08/27/2008)
Minnesota delegates to the Democratic National Convention went out of their way today to demonstrate that they are united behind Barack Obama. Some of the better known delegates and party leaders who had been supporting Sen. Hillary Clinton made an appeal for unity. (08/27/2008)
Delaware Senator Joe Biden is tonight's featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. One of the few persons in the world with first hand experience in that role is former Vice President Walter Mondale. (08/27/2008)
Like thousands of others in Denver, some children have brought their political passion and protests to the streets. (08/27/2008)
In an emotional meeting leading up to the Democratic roll call of the states, Hillary Rodham Clinton released her convention delegates Wednesday to vote for certain presidential nominee Barack Obama. (08/27/2008)
Democrats were poised to formally deliver the party's presidential nomination to Barack Obama on Wednesday, making him the first black nominee of a major party. (08/27/2008)
Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and running mate Joe Biden will embark on a bus tour of several battleground states later this week, after he receives the Democratic presidential nomination, his campaign announced Wednesday. (08/27/2008)
Minnesota Public Radio's Midmorning host Kerri Miller asked Jim Lehrer how he runs down the real story unfolding in Denver. (08/27/2008)
Hillary Rodham Clinton had a simple message Tuesday for her still loyal supporters: This election isn't about her. (08/26/2008)
On the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Democratic governors and Hillary Clinton talked to delegates about unity and the need for change. (08/26/2008)
Twin Cities officials are keeping a close eye on protests and demonstrations in Denver to see what, if anything, they might hold in store for St. Paul next week. (08/26/2008)


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