Dean Barkley

Dean Barkley
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

New campaign finance reports show that DFL challenger Al Franken raised nearly twice as much money as Republican Sen. Norm Coleman during the last reporting period. (10/15/2008)
A new poll shows that Barack Obama has a commanding lead in Minnesota, and the race for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat is very tight. (10/14/2008)
Minnesota's three major party U.S. Senate candidates all gave different answers when asked what they think the nation's biggest threat is. (10/11/2008)
Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman said today he will suspend any negative campaign ads he has control over because of the economic crisis. (10/10/2008)
With less than a month to go before the Nov. 4 election, Midday's "Meet the Candidates" series continues with Independence Party U.S. Senate candidate Dean Barkley. (Midday, 10/10/2008)
New Minnesota Public Radio News/University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute polls indicate the bad economic news last week cost Republican Sen. Norm Coleman a lead in the U.S. Senate race. (10/08/2008)
Midday rebroadcasts the first U.S. Senate debate with Republican candidate Norm Coleman, Democratic candidate Al Franken and Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley. (Midday, 10/06/2008)
An unsettled U.S. Senate race provoked sharp exchanges Sunday night between Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken on the ailing economy, the war in Iraq and the art of compromise. A third man in the race, Dean Barkley, kept both rivals on their toes. (10/05/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken Thursday sharply criticized the Wall Street bailout the Senate approved Wednesday night. (10/02/2008)
A special program from America Abroad and CNN, features former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, James A. Baker, III, Warren Christopher, Henry Kissinger and Colin L. Powell in a discussion about the foreign policy challenges facing the next president of the United States. (Midday, 09/23/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Independence


Date of Birth: 08/31/1950

Place of Birth: Annandale, Minn.

Education: JD, Univ. of Minn Law School;
BA, Univ. of Minn.

Positions Held: U.S. Senator, Oct. 2002-Jan. 2003;

Business/Professional Experience: Office of Strategic Planning, 1999-2002; Private practice attorney


Official campaign site



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