Dean Barkley

Dean Barkley
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

Republican Sen. Norm Coleman released a TV ad Saturday accusing his DFL challenger Al Franken of engineering a last minute attack on him and his family. (11/01/2008)
In the final weekend before Election Day, U.S. Senate candidates respond to new allegations against Sen. Coleman and make their final case to the voters. (10/31/2008)
Labor leaders and business groups across the country will be closely watching the results of Minnesota's Senate race on Tuesday night. (10/31/2008)
A new MPR News/University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute poll shows the race between Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and his DFL challenger Al Franken remains very close, and Independent Dean Barkley is still running third. (10/31/2008)
Independence Party U.S. Senate candidate Dean Barkley shook up the race in mid-July when he filed to run for a seat in the Senate. He spoke recently at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute as part of a Candidates Forum series put on by the Institute's Center for the Study of Politics and Governance. The title of his speech is "The polarization of our political parties." (10/29/2008)
Independence Party U.S. Senate candidate Dean Barkley will release his first television ad this week. (10/29/2008)
Midday broadcasts a special report featuring highlights of speeches given by U.S. Senate candidates Republican incumbent Norm Coleman, Democrat Al Franken and the IP's Dean Barkley. (Midday, 10/28/2008)
National Republicans are attacking Democrat Al Franken in a new pamphlet that looks like a comic book but discusses pornography and rape. (10/27/2008)
The leading candidates for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat colored their statewide televised debate with spirited give-and-take over tax cuts, guns and partisanship. (10/24/2008)
Minnesota's three major party U.S. Senate candidates are talking a lot about the economy as they campaign. (10/20/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Independence


Date of Birth: 08/31/1950

Place of Birth: Annandale, Minn.

Education: JD, Univ. of Minn Law School;
BA, Univ. of Minn.

Positions Held: U.S. Senator, Oct. 2002-Jan. 2003;

Business/Professional Experience: Office of Strategic Planning, 1999-2002; Private practice attorney


Official campaign site



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