Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Election Coverage from MPR

A day after expressing regrets over comments made about presidential candidate Barack Obama last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on a national conservative radio program and raised more questions about the Democratic presidential nominee. (10/23/2008)
Two polls show Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama with 13- and 11-point leads in Wisconsin over Republican candidate John McCain. (10/22/2008)
The traditionally DFL Iron Range welcomed Hillary Clinton last night, in a campaign rally for Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama. (10/22/2008)
Senator Hillary Clinton told a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Minneapolis, Al Franken could be the 60th vote in the Senate that would allow Democrats to block Republican filibusters. (10/21/2008)
Minnesota's Iron Range has a history of being a stronghold for Democrats. But party leaders openly acknowledge some party loyalists have concerns about voting for Barack Obama because he's black. (10/21/2008)
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president Sunday, describing the Illinois senator as a "transformational figure." (10/19/2008)
Barack Obama's rally in St. Louis on Saturday drew an estimated 100,000 people, confirmed by his campaign to be the largest crowd for an Obama event in the U.S. (10/18/2008)
Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann said in a TV interview Friday that she's concerned Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama "may have anti-American views." (10/17/2008)
For all four of the presidential and vice presidential debates, MPR News invited some undecided voters to our headquarters in downtown St. Paul to watch the candidates face off. (10/16/2008)
Planners of last month's Republican National Convention in St. Paul met their goal of raising $58 million in cash and in-kind contributions to stage the four-day affair. (10/16/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Democrat


Date of Birth: 08/04/1961

Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended Occidental College

Religion: United Church of Christ


Official campaign site



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