Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Election Coverage from MPR

From a Pennsylvania rainstorm to a thunderous Virginia rally, Barack Obama revved up his followers Tuesday, offering lofty promises of new politics and governing. (10/28/2008)
Former President Bill Clinton will make a campaign stop in Minnesota later this week. (10/28/2008)
Fading in the polls, John McCain fought Barack Obama for support in economically hard-hit Ohio on Monday, each man pledging to right the economy and turn the page on the Bush era in a state with an impressive record for picking presidents. (10/27/2008)
The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, and to kill 88 black people in a Tennessee murder spree. (10/27/2008)
With the election just over a week away, volunteers for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have launched statewide get out the vote efforts. (10/27/2008)
A new survey by the non-partisan group Take Action Minnesota shows that the state's Hmong voters are most concerned about domestic issues this election year. (10/25/2008)
Two advisors, one from each presidential campaign, talk about why their candidates are not giving up on health care reform despite the current economic crisis. There are big differences between the health care plans of Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. (Midmorning, 10/24/2008)
Barack Obama and John McCain enter the final days of the presidential campaign amid dwindling reserves, with Obama hindered by a sudden drop in fundraising and McCain restrained by spending limits. (10/24/2008)
Questions about how the issue of race will affect support for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama have so far centered on white voters. But what about how race is influencing black voters? (10/23/2008)
Former Republican Gov. Arne Carlson says he's supporting Democrat Barack Obama for president. (10/23/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Democrat


Date of Birth: 08/04/1961

Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended Occidental College

Religion: United Church of Christ


Official campaign site



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