Al Franken

Al Franken
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

This year marks the 30th anniversary of one of the biggest political turnarounds in Minnesota history. (05/30/2008)
Democratic Congresswoman Betty McCollum says that a Playboy article written by Senate candidate Al Franken eight years ago presents a serious political problem for Democratic candidates this year. (05/29/2008)
Running for Senate has taken a bite out of Al Franken's earnings. (05/24/2008)
U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken has hired a new campaign manager with experience in helping a Democratic challenger unseat a Republican incumbent. (05/15/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer claims significant support among DFL state convention delegates. And some observers say Al Franken's tax problems could make an opening for him. (05/11/2008)
Tax experts say Al Franken's accountant should have known that Franken needed to pay taxes in the 19 different states where Franken earned money in the last four years. (05/02/2008)
DFLer Al Franken's campaign has been scrambling to shore up support among the people who will decide on the party's Senate endorsement. (04/30/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says he is paying tens of thousands of dollars in back income taxes to more than a dozen states. Franken says he became aware of the taxes owed after a recent review of his books following other tax problems. (04/29/2008)
DFL Senate hopeful Al Franken is dismissing accusations that he is evading paying back taxes as partisan attacks. (04/27/2008)
Officials with Al Franken's Senate campaign say his accountants are trying to determine whether the Democrat owes back taxes in California or anyplace else. (04/25/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: DFL


Date of Birth: 05/21/1951

Place of Birth: New York, N.Y.

Education: BA, General Studies, Harvard University, 1973

Positions Held: Founder, Midwest Values PAC

Business/Professional Experience: Host, The O'Franken Factor, Air America Radio, 2004 -2006; Served as a Fellow with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, 2003; Writer, Saturday Night Live, 1973-1980, 1985-1995

Religion: Jewish


Official campaign site



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