Al Franken

Al Franken
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's re-election campaign has put out a new television ad that's sharply critical of DFL challenger AL Franken. With the election less than four months away, new ads from both campaigns signal the gloves are coming off. (07/24/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken has a tax plan that he says would ease the strain on the middle class. Franken accused Republican Sen. Norm Coleman of favoring the wealthy and special interests. (07/21/2008)
U.S. Senate candidates Norm Coleman and Al Franken are scheduled to share a stage for the first time after criticizing each other for months. (07/19/2008)
The leading Democrat to criticize Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken over racy material from his past career in satire isn't picking sides now that Franken faces a primary challenger. (07/18/2008)
Priscilla Lord Faris is the daughter of retired federal judge Miles Lord, who remains active in DFL politics. She is managing partner of a personal injury law firm. (07/14/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken ended the first half of 2008 with $4.2 million in the bank. Franken's campaign says it raised $2.26 million during the months of April, May and June. (07/10/2008)
The two major party candidates for U.S. Senate were talking up their energy proposals on the campaign trail today, now that gas prices have hit record highs. (07/02/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says he no longer would consider supporting an increase in the federal gas tax. (07/01/2008)
A government watchdog group is calling for a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's Washington D.C. rental arrangement. (07/01/2008)
Minnesota's 2008 Senate race leads the nation in campaign money. (06/30/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: DFL


Date of Birth: 05/21/1951

Place of Birth: New York, N.Y.

Education: BA, General Studies, Harvard University, 1973

Positions Held: Founder, Midwest Values PAC

Business/Professional Experience: Host, The O'Franken Factor, Air America Radio, 2004 -2006; Served as a Fellow with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, 2003; Writer, Saturday Night Live, 1973-1980, 1985-1995

Religion: Jewish


Official campaign site



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