Election Coverage from MPR

Historian Michael Beschloss says there are nine presidents who would be great role models for this year's 2008 presidential candidates, and they all have one thing in common: courage. (Midday, 08/21/2007)
The local host committee planning for the GOP gathering announced Thursday that Doug Leatherdale will become chairman. (08/16/2007)
Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson dropped out of the presidential race after the GOP straw poll in Iowa. Meanwhile, Democratic candidates Clinton, Obama and Edwards are still vying for their party's nomination. Midday looks at what's in store for presidential hopefuls. (Midday, 08/13/2007)
A new unauthorized biography of Sen. Clinton examines her carefully crafted persona and her presidential ambitions. The authors of "Her Way" talk about the candidate's background. (Midmorning, 08/13/2007)
Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich address an audience at the National Press Club. A Republican consultant close to Gingrich has said the former speaker may become a 2008 presidential candidate. (Midday, 08/07/2007)
A group called Vets for Freedom says it will air television ads throughout much of Minnesota thanking Republican Sen. Norm Coleman for his support of the president's strategy in Iraq. (08/02/2007)


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