Election Coverage from MPR

Just before the Democratic State Convention in Rochester, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, discusses key issues in the campaign and takes listener questions. (Midday, 06/04/2008)
A big question in the Democratic presidential race now is will Hillary Clinton supporters unite behind Barack Obama? (06/03/2008)
Polls taken last year at this time showed Hillary Clinton with a commanding 15 point lead over any of her Democratic rivals. But the tide turned at different points for different voters. (06/03/2008)
Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois sealed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, a historic step toward his once-improbable goal of becoming the nation's first black president. A vanquished Hillary Rodham Clinton maneuvered for the vice presidential spot on his fall ticket. (06/03/2008)
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama can't formally claim his party's nomination for the White House. But Republicans weren't waiting to start running against him ahead of this fall's election. (06/03/2008)
Large crowds began to form early at the Xcel Center in hope of getting into tonight's Barack Obama rally. Media from across the nation gathered to carry the speech in anticipation of Obama declaring victory tonight after the S.D. and Montana primaries close. (06/03/2008)


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