Wednesday, June 28, 2023

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Though the U.S. Senate race seemed to hold the most promise for a close race, it was the governor's race in Minnesota that grabbed the election-night headlines. Incumbent Tim Pawlenty held onto his office by just 22,000 votes over DFLer Mike Hatch. But Pawlenty saw his GOP colleagues swept out of office. In the Senate race, DFLer Amy Klobuchar easily beat Rep. Mark Kennedy.

The retirement of Sen. Mark Dayton sparked early interest in the campaign, with Rep. Mark Kennedy jumping in early. But a year later, Kennedy emerged as the lone Republican for the job, and Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar's strength was forcing several Democrats, including Patty Wetterling, out of the race.

The Senate race immediately attracted national attention, but as Klobuchar surged ahead of Kennedy in the polls, much national attention turned to the 6th District, where Patty Wetterling and state Sen. Michele Bachmann were the major contenders. Bachmann beat Wettlerling. It was Wetterling's second straight loss in the district. In the 5th, Rep. Keith Ellison became the first Muslim congressman. And in the 1st, incumbent Gil Gutknecht was defeated by DFLer Tim Walz.
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Behind the argument over the amendment is an increasingly fractious tug of war over how to increase funding for a Minnesota transportation system that is slowly crumbling. (10/25/2006)
Mrs. Bush was in Minnetonka Wednesday morning for a $500-a-plate breakfast for Bachmann and the Republican Party. (10/25/2006)
The race for Congress in Minnesota's 1st District has become competitive with a political newcomer running as a DFLer posing a serious challenger to six-term Republican incumbent Gil Gutknecht. (10/25/2006)
If you're not sick of political ads on TV by now you probably will be by Election Day. (10/24/2006)
As his fellow Republicans around the country try to distance themselves from the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq, Minnesota Senate candidate Mark Kennedy is trying to turn the issue on its head. (10/24/2006)
You won't find anything about social issues such as abortion and same sex marriage on the gubernatorial candidates' Web sites, but they're important to many voters. (10/24/2006)
Health care and public safety have become the top issues in the race for Minnesota governor. Incumbent Republican Tim Pawlenty and DFL challenger Mike Hatch are battling with each other from the stump, and on TV ads on the two issues. (10/23/2006)
In a battle of spreadsheets and bar graphs, Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Democratic challenger Mike Hatch traded accusations Sunday over crime-fighting. (10/22/2006)
The voices on campaign ads can make even Santa Claus sound evil. Just ask Gary Groomes and Susan Fuller. They're the voices. (10/20/2006)
Negative campaign ads have been blamed for low voter turnout and political apathy. But some say they actually play an important role in the democratic process. (10/20/2006)
U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo's retirement this year created something of a rarity: an open seat in Congress. With less than three weeks unil the election, Midday listeners get a chance to meet the candidates hoping to take Sabo's place. (Midday, 10/20/2006)
This November, the largest political party won't be the Republicans or the Democrats. As in years past, it'll be the non-voters. (10/20/2006)
The candidates in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District face off as part of Midday's Meet the Candidates series. (Midday, 10/20/2006)
GOP Rep. Gil Gutknecht offered an optimistic message about America's direction. Democratic challenger Tim Walz spoke of an America that's desperate for change. (10/19/2006)
DFL gubernatorial candidate Mike Hatch says he won't make any promises about education spending until it's clear that Minnesota has a budget surplus. (10/19/2006)

Election Wrap-up

  • Results: Final numbers and maps
  • Policast: Daily podcast of political news
  • Event: Election Night Policy and a Pint