Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Though the U.S. Senate race seemed to hold the most promise for a close race, it was the governor's race in Minnesota that grabbed the election-night headlines. Incumbent Tim Pawlenty held onto his office by just 22,000 votes over DFLer Mike Hatch. But Pawlenty saw his GOP colleagues swept out of office. In the Senate race, DFLer Amy Klobuchar easily beat Rep. Mark Kennedy.
The retirement of Sen. Mark Dayton sparked early interest in the campaign, with Rep. Mark Kennedy jumping in early. But a year later, Kennedy emerged as the lone Republican for the job, and Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar's strength was forcing several Democrats, including Patty Wetterling, out of the race.
The Senate race immediately attracted national attention, but as Klobuchar surged ahead of Kennedy in the polls, much national attention turned to the 6th District, where Patty Wetterling and state Sen. Michele Bachmann were the major contenders. Bachmann beat Wettlerling. It was Wetterling's second straight loss in the district. In the 5th, Rep. Keith Ellison became the first Muslim congressman. And in the 1st, incumbent Gil Gutknecht was defeated by DFLer Tim Walz.
Though the U.S. Senate race seemed to hold the most promise for a close race, it was the governor's race in Minnesota that grabbed the election-night headlines. Incumbent Tim Pawlenty held onto his office by just 22,000 votes over DFLer Mike Hatch. But Pawlenty saw his GOP colleagues swept out of office. In the Senate race, DFLer Amy Klobuchar easily beat Rep. Mark Kennedy.
The retirement of Sen. Mark Dayton sparked early interest in the campaign, with Rep. Mark Kennedy jumping in early. But a year later, Kennedy emerged as the lone Republican for the job, and Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar's strength was forcing several Democrats, including Patty Wetterling, out of the race.
The Senate race immediately attracted national attention, but as Klobuchar surged ahead of Kennedy in the polls, much national attention turned to the 6th District, where Patty Wetterling and state Sen. Michele Bachmann were the major contenders. Bachmann beat Wettlerling. It was Wetterling's second straight loss in the district. In the 5th, Rep. Keith Ellison became the first Muslim congressman. And in the 1st, incumbent Gil Gutknecht was defeated by DFLer Tim Walz.
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Tim Pawlenty survived a scare and claimed a second term as Minnesota governor in come-from-behind fashion. His DFL opponent, Mike Hatch, conceded the race this morning.
With the final debate behind them,
the candidates for governor hit the road Monday with a series of
campaign stops to energize their voters and search out those who
are still undecided.
Minnesota Public Radio's Nov. 5 gubernatorial debate between DFLer Mike Hatch, Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson and Republican incumbent Tim Pawlenty.
( 11/06/2006)
Tax topics took top billing Sunday night as the
debate season closed in Minnesota's tight race for governor.
Democratic candidate Mike Hatch, the frontrunner
in the race for Minnesota governor, took heat Friday from two
rivals over a temper he displayed in the campaign's stretch run.
Mike Hatchlashed out at KSTP-TV by suggesting the station has an agenda because the station's owner, Stanley Hubbard, has contributed to a special interest group that is running TV ads that criticize him.
A recent Minnesota Public Radio/Pioneer Press poll suggests that only 7 percent of Minnesota voters haven't decided who they want to put in the governor's office for the next four years. That means 93 percent have made up their minds. Eight of those decided voters explain their decisions.
(Midday, 11/03/2006)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been seen as a rising star in the Republican Party, but he's locked in a close race with DFL candidate Mike Hatch.
Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson faces long odds in his race for Minnesota governor. But the public policy consultant is undaunted, because he says Minnesota voters want a change from politics as usual.
Democrat Mike Hatch sought to reassure voters of his expertise on ethanol on Thursday, a day after his running mate drew a blank when she was questioned in farm country about E-85.
Mike Hatch is well-known to Minnesotans as a scrappy -- sometimes confrontational -- politician, and he's embracing his bulldog image in his third run for the governor's office.
A new Minnesota Public Radio/St. Paul Pioneer Press poll shows the governor's race remains locked in a dead heat with just six days until the election.
MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with the three campaign managers for the major party candidates for Minnesota governor.
The poll shows Democrat Mike Hatch with 6-point lead over Republican Tim Pawlenty in the race for governor.
Minnesota's candidates for governor sparred Sunday night in their first televised debate of the campaign. Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, DFL candidate Mike Hatch and the Independence Party's Peter Hutchinson disagreed on issues such as transportation, immigration and property taxes.