Wednesday, June 28, 2023
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Session 2003
Gov. Tim Pawlenty took office promising to drive change "in a hundred places and a thousand ways." He may have underestimated his reach. At session's end, five months into office, the young governor finds himself with much - most - of an aggressive reform agenda becoming law.
Among his victories were wins on plans to change welfare, to establish tax-free industrial zones, to rewrite classroom graduation standards and to close a yawning deficit without raising state taxes.
Under Pawlenty, gun permits will be more accessible and abortions will be somewhat less accessible. Bar hours will be later, but there will be extra troopers on the road when they let out, and schools will be required to lead most students in the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week.
His reach stretched from southwestern Minnesota's wind-rich fields, which will see more energy-producing turbines, to the Iron Range, which has a good chance for seeing a new coal plant and new tax-free zones.
The question presents itself, though: With a reach so vast, did he overreach? As Democrats adjourned their special session on Thursday, they were convinced he did.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty took office promising to drive change "in a hundred places and a thousand ways." He may have underestimated his reach. At session's end, five months into office, the young governor finds himself with much - most - of an aggressive reform agenda becoming law.
Among his victories were wins on plans to change welfare, to establish tax-free industrial zones, to rewrite classroom graduation standards and to close a yawning deficit without raising state taxes.
Under Pawlenty, gun permits will be more accessible and abortions will be somewhat less accessible. Bar hours will be later, but there will be extra troopers on the road when they let out, and schools will be required to lead most students in the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week.
His reach stretched from southwestern Minnesota's wind-rich fields, which will see more energy-producing turbines, to the Iron Range, which has a good chance for seeing a new coal plant and new tax-free zones.
The question presents itself, though: With a reach so vast, did he overreach? As Democrats adjourned their special session on Thursday, they were convinced he did.

Nearly every group that depends on state funding is nervous, in light of the $4.5 billion projected budget deficit announced Wednesday. And some groups say they have reason to be worried. Nursing homes, cities and counties say if their funding is cut, Minnesotans will feel the impact.
The reports of the state's anticipated deficit are out, and now it's time to look at what's going to be done about it. Host Gary Eichten is joined in the MPR studios by state economists to discuss what the next move could be, the condition of Minnesota's economy, and the revenue and budget situation.
( 12/05/2002)
State finance officials say that Minnesota's budget deficit over the next two-and-a-half years is expected to top $4.5 billion. The deficit is larger than any legislative leaders had predicted, and is the biggest challenge facing Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty, who says he won't raise taxes to fill the budget gap.
Minnesota's looming budget deficit is even
larger than expected, with a projected shortfall expected to hit
$4.56 billion over the next 2-and-a-half years, state finance officials
announced Wednesday.
Forecasters had warned for months that the projected deficit
might top $3 billion, but the new number staggered lawmakers.
( 12/04/2002)
State finance officials release the latest revenue forecast Wednesday, and the news won't be good. The forecast is expected to show a budget deficit of at least $3 billion. Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty says he won't raise taxes to balance the budget, and he may be eyeing the state's tobacco endowments as part of his budget solution.
The St. Paul school district will not mandate the Pledge of Allegiance in its classrooms.
School board members voted down a proposal Monday requiring a daily opportunity for all elementary school students to recite the pledge. Instead, they'll let individual schools decide if they want to include the pledge and how often.
Activists say HIV related cases and other sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in Minnesota. Family Planning Organizations say those rates will continue to rise if restrictions are placed on state and federal family planning money.
Just a little over a year since lawmakers at the Capitol proclaimed the benefits of a reworked property tax system, many residents in Minnesota are getting truth-in-taxation statements showing double-digit tax increases. Now some lawmakers are saying the situation is proof that tax reform is working. Will Minnesotans agree? And how will legislators respond to mounting criticism?
( 11/29/2002)
The Minnesota Vikings, in a letter to the University of Minnesota Monday, rejected a proposed campus site
for a shared football stadium as too small.
The new finance commissioner for the Pawlenty administration talks with Gary Eichten about the state's finances, and dealing with the budget shortfall.
( 11/25/2002)
Legislative leaders say the budget will dominate the 2003 legislative session. They said on MPR's <i>Midday</i> program that their biggest job will be dealing with a budget deficit that could top $3 billion.
Having weathered the election, Minnesota's new governor and Minnesota's new legislators now have to govern. The challenges for the new Legislature look daunting. The state is facing a big budget deficit, all the usual and unusual spending requests, and a firm promise from the new governor that he will veto anything that looks like a tax increase. Midday discusses the situation with the new legislative leaders.
( 11/18/2002)
Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty says he won't raise taxes to address a budget deficit that could top $3 billion. To do that, Pawlenty plans to cut government spending. State agency heads are saying they already cut to the bone under the last budget agreement, and any further cuts will be felt by the public.
Minnesota's 6th Congressional district looks very little like it did one year ago.

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Audio Highlights
Pawlenty's session postscript (6/4/03) The governor discusses the budget and the session during a speech to the Society of Professional Journalists' meeting in Minneapolis |
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Political scientist Larry Jacobs (5/30/03) Provides a review of the 2003 session. |
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Sen. John Hottinger (5/30/03) Senate majority leader summarizes the session |
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Sen. Dick Day (5/30/03) Senate minority leader summarizes the session |
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The human services budget Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, chair of the Senate Health and Human Services and Corrections Budget Division; and Rep. Fran Bradley, R-Rochester, chair of the House Health and Human Services Finance Committee (5/16/03) |
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The view from former governors (5/13/03) Former governors Arne Carlson, Wendell Anderson, Elmer L. Andersen and Al Quie give free advice to Gov. Pawlenty |
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Political scientist Larry Jacobs (5/5/03) A look at recent polls |
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Pawlenty's budget message (2/18/03) Issues budget in attempt to close deficit |
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Gov. Pawlenty announces "unallotment" cuts
Takes action after legislators fail to make a deal
(2/7/03) |
Gov. Pawlenty's State of the State address
(2/6/03) Pawlenty outlines his vision for Minnesota. |
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Gov. Pawlenty inaugural address (1/6/03) |
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Links and Resources
![]() | House of Representatives |
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![]() | Senate |
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![]() | Highlights of the 2003 legislative session |
![]() | MPR Budget Balancer |
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