Wednesday, June 28, 2023
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Session 2003
Gov. Tim Pawlenty took office promising to drive change "in a hundred places and a thousand ways." He may have underestimated his reach. At session's end, five months into office, the young governor finds himself with much - most - of an aggressive reform agenda becoming law.
Among his victories were wins on plans to change welfare, to establish tax-free industrial zones, to rewrite classroom graduation standards and to close a yawning deficit without raising state taxes.
Under Pawlenty, gun permits will be more accessible and abortions will be somewhat less accessible. Bar hours will be later, but there will be extra troopers on the road when they let out, and schools will be required to lead most students in the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week.
His reach stretched from southwestern Minnesota's wind-rich fields, which will see more energy-producing turbines, to the Iron Range, which has a good chance for seeing a new coal plant and new tax-free zones.
The question presents itself, though: With a reach so vast, did he overreach? As Democrats adjourned their special session on Thursday, they were convinced he did.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty took office promising to drive change "in a hundred places and a thousand ways." He may have underestimated his reach. At session's end, five months into office, the young governor finds himself with much - most - of an aggressive reform agenda becoming law.
Among his victories were wins on plans to change welfare, to establish tax-free industrial zones, to rewrite classroom graduation standards and to close a yawning deficit without raising state taxes.
Under Pawlenty, gun permits will be more accessible and abortions will be somewhat less accessible. Bar hours will be later, but there will be extra troopers on the road when they let out, and schools will be required to lead most students in the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week.
His reach stretched from southwestern Minnesota's wind-rich fields, which will see more energy-producing turbines, to the Iron Range, which has a good chance for seeing a new coal plant and new tax-free zones.
The question presents itself, though: With a reach so vast, did he overreach? As Democrats adjourned their special session on Thursday, they were convinced he did.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he's using his power to cut spending because legislative leaders were unable to agree on budget cuts before Thursday night's deadline. He says he's canceling more than $281 million in state spending. He's also deferring $50 million in sales tax reimbursements for capital equipment purchases, and taking $24 million in the state's reserves. Pawlenty had given legislative leaders until Thursday night to come up with a deal for solving the state's short-term budget problem, but no agreement was reached. Listen to <i>Midday</i> for analysis of the governor's budget cuts, and reaction from legislative leaders. <i>Note: The program's last half-hour is Attorney General John Ashcroft discussing an increase in the terrorism warning status.</i>
( 02/07/2003)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has used his emergency budget-cutting powers, after lawmakers failed to agree on a short-term budget fix. Pawlenty's cuts affect nearly every area of state government, from education to road projects to legislative TV. The governor says he had little choice, with less than five months left in the fiscal year.
Governor Pawlenty outlines unallotments in the current state budget, including more than $50 million cut from higher education and $23 million out of social service funds. He also slices into ethanol funding and an Iron Range minerals program. Midmorning carries the governor's press conference live.
( 02/07/2003)
In his first state of the state address, Governor Tim Pawlenty outlined how he would restructure state government to add new programs without raising taxes.
( 02/07/2003)
The House Education Policy Committee voted Thursday to repeal the Profile of Learning, a tiny step on the road
toward replacing Minnesota's academic standards. Gov. Tim Pawlenty opposes the Profile, and his administration is drafting a new set of school standards for use by next fall.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty said he'll solve the state's
budget crisis without raising taxes, but in his first State of the
State speech, he said he couldn't do it alone.
"Today, I want to issue a call to citizenship and service to
every Minnesotan who hears my voice," he said Thursday.
"Minnesota needs you - now."
Xcel Energy says its Prairie Island nuclear power plant needs more dry cask storage for spent nuclear fuel, or it will close by 2007. It's a controversial proposal. Xcel officials must convince lawmakers and the neighboring Prairie Island Indian Community to agree to the extra storage. On Prairie Island, leaders say cooperation will come at a price.
Live coverage of Gov. Tim Pawlenty addressing the people of Minnesota in his first State of the State address. Charlie Weaver, Pawlenty's chief of staff, said the Republican governor's message would be upbeat, touching on education, criminal justice, roads and jobs. He says the speech will be an opportunity for Minnesotans to get to know Pawlenty better. Gary Eichten, in the MPR studios, talks with MPR political editor Mike Mulcahy at the Capitol. Also, MPR political reporters get key legislators' reactions to the speech.
( 02/06/2003)
A group of lawmakers on Wednesday outlined a proposal to to extend the operational life of the Prairie Island nuclear power plant. Under a 1994 agreement between the state and Northern States Power -- now Xcel Energy -- the utility was restricted in its ability to store spent nuclear fuel at the Prairie Island facility. The new proposal would scrap those limitations. And it's raised concerns among environmentalists and a neighboring Indian tribe.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty told lawmakers on Wednesday that he's prepared to cut spending on Friday if legislative leaders don't reach a budget deal. The House and Senate haven't agreed on how to eliminate a projected $356 million deficit in the current fiscal year. If Pawlenty uses his authority to cut spending unilaterally, the cuts could include school aid to Minneapolis and St. Paul, ethanol subsidies and an Iron Range development fund.
Legislative leaders have until Friday to agree on a short-term budget deal for this fiscal year, or Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he'll cut spending on his own. House and Senate leaders say they hope it doesn't come to that.
( 02/04/2003)
With Gov. Tim Pawlenty promising to correct
Minnesota's short-term budget problem "one way or the other" this
week, the Senate and House made progress Monday toward a
Legislative leaders adopted a $461 million spending reduction
target to cure a $356 million projected shortfall and set aside
$105 million more in case the state's economy falters before the
fiscal year ends in June.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty appointed Dianne Mandernach to
lead the Minnesota Department of Health on Tuesday.
Mandernach has served as chief executive officer for Mercy Hospital and Health Care Center in Moose Lake since 1993.
There will be circumstances for pomp this week,
as freshman Gov. Tim Pawlenty delivers his first state of the state
address on Thursday.
The address had been scheduled for Tuesday, but Pawlenty
postponed it. A statement from his office said the change was to
honor the memory of the Columbia astronauts.
Gov. Jesse Ventura threatened it, but never
pulled the trigger. Gov. Arne Carlson was ready for it, but was
saved by an improving economy. Gov. Rudy Perpich used it, but
sparingly. Gov. Al Quie did it too, but he suffered serious
political damage.
Unallotment, an awkward word used to describe the governor's
power to cut spending in times of fiscal crisis without consent
from the Legislature, is creeping back into the vocabulary at the

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Audio Highlights
Pawlenty's session postscript (6/4/03) The governor discusses the budget and the session during a speech to the Society of Professional Journalists' meeting in Minneapolis |
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Political scientist Larry Jacobs (5/30/03) Provides a review of the 2003 session. |
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Sen. John Hottinger (5/30/03) Senate majority leader summarizes the session |
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Sen. Dick Day (5/30/03) Senate minority leader summarizes the session |
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The human services budget Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, chair of the Senate Health and Human Services and Corrections Budget Division; and Rep. Fran Bradley, R-Rochester, chair of the House Health and Human Services Finance Committee (5/16/03) |
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The view from former governors (5/13/03) Former governors Arne Carlson, Wendell Anderson, Elmer L. Andersen and Al Quie give free advice to Gov. Pawlenty |
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Political scientist Larry Jacobs (5/5/03) A look at recent polls |
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Pawlenty's budget message (2/18/03) Issues budget in attempt to close deficit |
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Gov. Pawlenty announces "unallotment" cuts
Takes action after legislators fail to make a deal
(2/7/03) |
Gov. Pawlenty's State of the State address
(2/6/03) Pawlenty outlines his vision for Minnesota. |
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Gov. Pawlenty inaugural address (1/6/03) |
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Links and Resources
![]() | House of Representatives |
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![]() | Senate |
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![]() | Highlights of the 2003 legislative session |
![]() | MPR Budget Balancer |
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