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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

A new MPR-Pioneer Press poll tells how Minnesotans regard an Iraqi war with or without the backing of the United Nations. National polls indicate people view war differently depending on whether the UN sanctions an invasion. ( 02/25/2003)
A new poll shows 75 percent of Minnesotans would support attacking Iraq if the U.S. has the full support of the United Nations. But without U.N. backing, Minnesotans' support for an attack drops to 45 percent. Another 45 percent say they would oppose an attack without U.N. backing. (02/25/2003)
The United States and Britain ready a resolution declaring Iraq in violation of obligations to disarm, U.N. diplomats say. But with only two members of the U.N. Security Council solidly behind the United States, no vote on the resolution is expected until mid-March. Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein pledges to help U.N. weapons inspectors in any way he can, but doesn't believe there's anything he can do to avert a war, visiting dignitaries say. Iraq says "the channels are open" over a U.N. order to destroy missiles, but the United Nations says there's nothing to talk about. ( 02/24/2003)
Former U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke spoke at Concordia College in Moorehead Friday about the United Nation's role in world peace, and the controversy raging among U.N. members concerning the United State's push for war on Iraq. The event was part of the Peace Prize Forum. ( 02/18/2003)
European leaders united Monday behind a declaration affirming solidarity with the United States and warning Saddam Hussein that Iraq faces one "last chance" to disarm peacefully. The declaration by 15 European Union leaders including French President Jacques Chirac gave firm backing for the U.S. and British demand for swift action to disarm Iraq. But it also recognized the Franco-German drive for a peaceful solution, calling war "a last resort." ( 02/18/2003)
Millions of people around the world protested against the war in Iraq this past weekend. The numbers suggest a broad range of people are taking their views on war with Iraq to the streets. But are their voices having an impact on politics? ( 02/18/2003)
The U.S. plans for a short-term military occupation of Iraq should there be an invasion. The plans concern experts of past peacekeeping missions who argue that a more thorough approach could calm regional tensions and bring peace. ( 02/17/2003)
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