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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

U.S. intelligence had solid information from multiple sources that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein went inside a building and didn't leave before it was struck by an American bomber Monday, U.S. officials said. Saddam Hussein's government is no longer in control of Baghdad, but coalition forces are planning for resistance in other cities, a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday. Updated news on the war in Iraq. ( 04/09/2003)
More from the BBC on U.S. forces in Baghdad. ( 04/09/2003)
Recent opinion polls suggest more African Americans are opposed to the war in Iraq than white Americans. Even so fewer African Americans than whites have come out to protest the war. (04/09/2003)
BBC coverage of Coalition troops in Baghdad's city center and other war news. ( 04/09/2003)
The latest news on the war in Iraq from the BBC World Service. And, Gov. Tim Pawlenty is traveling to several cities in Minnesota Tuesday to press his budget plan. Senate DFLers Monday released their proposal to fix the projected $4.2-billion deficit. Their plan would raise about $1 billion from higher income and tobacco taxes. The DFL plan also would put more money into K-12 education, colleges, health care and local government than Pawlenty and the House would. In February Pawlenty released his proposal for solving the anticipated deficit without raising state taxes. ( 04/08/2003)
The question of whether Saddam Hussein was dead or alive hung over the capital Tuesday after a U.S. warplane dropped four bunker-buster bombs and blasted a smoking crater 60 feet deep at a restaurant where he was believed to be meeting with his sons. The "road-map" for Middle East peace. ( 04/08/2003)
A look at the Democrats' budget-balancing proposal, released Monday. Republican lawmakers brought out their own budget proposals Thursday. ( 04/07/2003)
U.S. forces in tanks and armored vehicles stormed into the center of Baghdad on Monday, seizing one of Saddam Hussein's palaces in a bold daylight raid aimed at demonstrating the Americans can come and go as they please. How will the rebuilding of Iraq progress? ( 04/07/2003)
The Pentagon has suggested an international group of advisors start governing in Coalition-controlled southern areas before Saddam Hussein and his top advisors have been ousted in Baghdad. ( 04/07/2003)
Edina native and NBC News correspondent David Bloom, one of the network's most prominent young stars and a near constant television presence reporting from the Iraqi desert, died Sunday from an apparent blood clot, the network said. (04/06/2003)
U.S. troops found thousands of boxes of suspicious white powder, nerve agent antidote and Arabic documents on how to engage in chemical warfare south of Baghdad on Friday. But a senior U.S. official familiar with initial testing said the materials were believed to be explosives. A discussion about the fighting in Iraq and the possibility of a protracted, guerilla war. ( 04/04/2003)
Legislative leaders join Midday from the MPR's Capitol bureau to discuss the latest proposals to balance Minnesota's budget. ( 04/03/2003)
U.S. troops have advanced quickly to the doorstep of Baghdad, leaving their commanders with a tantalizing choice: Continue the charge into Saddam Hussein's capital or wait for reinforcements and give Iraqis a chance to overthrow the regime themselves. Live coverage of the war in Iraq. ( 04/03/2003)
With each war, women have expanded their official roles in the military. Now more women are as close as they've ever been to ground combat. ( 04/03/2003)
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell assures NATO allies and the European Union that they will be included in the reconstruction of postwar Iraq. Also live coverage of President George Bush's speech to the troops at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. ( 04/03/2003)
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