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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

One thousand American troops parachuted onto an airfield in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq Thursday. It's the first large deployment of American ground troops in the region. The action is being followed closely by Kurdish people in the Fargo-Moorhead area which is currently home to some 500 Iraqi Kurds. Many are reluctant to speak publicly about the war. But Azad Berwari, a graduate student in Fargo, speaks freely about his concerns. (03/28/2003)
President Bush and top war ally British Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged Thursday to keep their forces in Iraq however long it takes to overthrow Saddam Hussein. They also agreed on a role for the United Nations in a postwar Iraq. "We have one objective in mind - victory," Bush said. Joining in, Blair said the coalition's agenda is "not set by time, it's set by the nature of the job." ( 03/27/2003)
Coalition aircraft pounded a convoy of Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles streaming out of the besieged southern city of Basra late Wednesday, British military sources said. Coverage of the war in Iraq. ( 03/27/2003)
What can you do to stop a war that's already underway? Anti-war protests continue around the world. A look at the peace movement. ( 03/27/2003)
President Bush may not go ahead with a scheduled state visit to Canada in part because of escalating tensions over the war with Iraq. While it supports the war on terrorism, the Canadian government has decided not to join the coalition attempting to disarm Saddam Hussein. ( 03/27/2003)
Viewers of the Arab satellite TV channel Al Jazeera can see the war from a different perspective from the one shown to American TV audiences. A number of native Arabs regularly watch the news from Al Jazeera at a deli in the Twin Cities. (03/26/2003)
Minnesota National Guard troops that were posted at nuclear plants and a Twin Cities water treatment facility last week as war began in Iraq will be withdrawn, Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced Wednesday. (03/26/2003)
Iraq's main Shi'ite opposition group said Tuesday that people in Iraq's second city of Basra had risen up against forces loyal to President Saddam Hussein. Live news coverage of the war in Iraq. ( 03/26/2003)
How have ethics governed the actions of warriors throughout history? We explore one belief that the warrior needs an ethical framework not only to be an effective fighter but to remain a human being-and even to save his or her soul. ( 03/26/2003)
A scholar who studies the image of Arab people in mass media discusses the stereotyping of Arabs. ( 03/26/2003)
A look at the march to Baghdad by US troops and their allies and what turns the war could take over the next few days. ( 03/26/2003)
Police arrested 67 anti-war protestors Tuesday during a protest at the federal building in downtown Minneapolis. Those arrested briefly blocked the entrances to the building while others cheered them on and chanted slogans nearby. This is the second civil disobedience demonstration in the Twin Cities in as many days. Arrests now total almost 100. (03/25/2003)
Minnesota first lady Mary Pawlenty announced a program Tuesday to help the families of soldiers who have been deployed because of the war with Iraq. The first lady says she's been moved by the Minnesotans she's met who've said goodbye to their family members who were called to active duty. (03/25/2003)
The U.S. general commanding the invasion of Iraq said Monday his forces were closing in on President Saddam Hussein's power base in and around Baghdad as the Iraqi president told his people the invaders had miscalculated. Updated war news, and a live briefing by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. ( 03/25/2003)
Former DFL Sen. Eugene McCarthy says there's little Congressional opposition to the war with Iraq because the U.S. Congress is in the hands of the military industrial complex. McCarthy made his remarks in St. Paul on Sunday during a forum about the problems of the two party political system in America. McCarthy, who is 87 years old, also gave his opinions on a range of other topics, including terrorism. McCarthy was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam war and challenged Lyndon Johnson in the 1968 presidential election. He joins Gary Eichten in the MPR studios to discuss his world views and the current situation in Iraq. ( 03/25/2003)
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