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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

The latest Minnesota Public Radio-Pioneer Press opinion poll shows overwhelming approval of George W. Bush's performance as president. (05/05/2003)
There's a desperate need for medicine and food on the ground in Iraq. Non-governmental aid workers are trying to do the job amid danger and conflicting groups. ( 05/02/2003)
A veteran foreign correspondent, NPR's Anne Garrels began reporting from Iraq on an on-and-off basis last fall. In early March, she began filing daily reports from Baghdad. As the war in Iraq officially began, Garrels stayed. She was the only U.S. network staffer to continue broadcasting from the heart of the Iraqi capital. She was also the only American female reporter there. ( 04/28/2003)
A speech given Wednesday by historian Howard Zinn, at the University of St. Thomas, about the war in Iraq. ( 04/25/2003)
Tom Gjelten, one of National Public Radio's lead reporters during the war in Iraq, spoke Monday in the Twin Cities about his thoughts on how the war in Iraq was reported. The ceremony, held each year to celebrate the best public affairs reporting in Minnesota, is sponsered by the Minnesota Journalism Center at the University of Minnesota's School of Journalism. ( 04/24/2003)
A veteran foreign correspondent, NPR's Anne Garrels began reporting from Iraq on an on-and-off basis last fall. In early March, she began filing daily reports from Baghdad. As the war in Iraq officially began, Garrels stayed. She was the only U.S. network staffer to continue broadcasting from the heart of the Iraqi capital. She was also the only American female reporter there. So many listeners have inquired about Garrels' well-being that NPR's Susan Stamberg traveled to check in with Garrels at her home in northwestern Connecticut. (NPR Web site) (04/24/2003)
Various political parties are emerging in Iraq in a very fluid situation. Leaders and organizations look for support among Iraq's diverse population. ( 04/24/2003)
The Bush administration remains confident that weapons of mass destruction will be found in Iraq. The U.S. military plans to greatly expand its search but hasn't accepted an offer to send United Nations inspections teams back to Iraq. ( 04/23/2003)
Another top aide to Saddam Hussein on the U.S. most-wanted list has been taken into custody, the U.S. Central Command said Friday. In Baghdad, thousands protested the U.S. military presence in Iraq, while the head of the Iraqi opposition predicted an interim government would be running the country within weeks. ( 04/21/2003)
Just a month ago, we were waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was clear there would be a war, but when would it start? And when would it end? Now that the war is winding down, we take a look at Minnesotans' impressions of the war in Iraq. ( 04/18/2003)
Thousands of Iraqis demonstrated against the U.S. occupation of Iraq on Friday, the second Muslim day of prayer since the regime's collapse. In the center of the city, the Ministry of Information was in flames, apparently ignited by looters. Soldiers surrounded the 10-story building as looters tried to carry away a few last prizes. (04/18/2003)
The search is on in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. Finding more evidence of a chemical and biological weapons program in Iraq would help eliminate UN sanctions as well as provide political cover for the Bush administration. ( 04/18/2003)
Lumping Syria into a category of "destabilizing forces" in the Middle East, Sen. Norm Coleman said Tuesday that President Bush has properly demanded that the country stop harboring members of Saddam Hussein's regime or face sanctions. (04/15/2003)
Live, updated news on the war in Iraq. Then, the Bush administration is sharpening its rhetoric against Syria, demanding it stop sponsoring terrorism and harboring remnants of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime or face diplomatic or economic sanctions. A discussion on the current situation in Syria. ( 04/15/2003)
On Friday, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister will convene a meeting to discuss the impact of the regime change in Iraq and what that means for the region. Arab leaders have been at least skeptical of America's stated aim to bring democracy to a place that never has experienced it. ( 04/15/2003)
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