Wednesday, June 28, 2023

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Regional representative votes

On June 16, 2005, the House Appropriations Committee voted to slash Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) funding for public radio and television by more than 40 percent next year. Representatives David Obey, Jim Leach and Bill Lowery introduced a bill to restore the funding to the CPB. On June 23, 2005, members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted on this measure, approving it with a significant majority. A vote of "yes" indicated that the representative wanted to restore funding; whereas a vote of "no" indicated they would be willing to cut the CPB budget. Here is how representatives in our listening areas voted:

Voted Yes
Leonard Boswell Iowa
Tom Latham Iowa
Jim Leach Iowa
Dave Camp Michigan
John Conyers Michigan
John Dingell Michigan
Vernon Ehlers Michigan
Dale Kildee Michigan
Carolyn Kilpatrick Michigan
Sander Levin Michigan
Thaddeus McCotter Michigan
Candice Miller Michigan
Joe Schwarz Michigan
Bart Stupak Michigan
Fred Upton Michigan
Mark Kennedy Minnesota
Betty McCollum Minnesota
Jim Oberstar Minnesota
Collin Peterson Minnesota
Jim Ramstad Minnesota
Martin Sabo Minnesota
Earl Pomeroy North Dakota
Stephanie Herseth South Dakota
Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin
Ron Kind Wisconsin
Gwen Moore Wisconsin
David Obey Wisconsin
Tom Petri Wisconsin
Voted No
Butch Otter Idaho
Mike Simpson Idaho
Steve King Iowa
Jim Nussle Iowa
Peter Hoekstra Michigan
Joe Knollenberg Michigan
Mike Rogers Michigan
Gil Gutknecht Minnesota
John Kline Minnesota
Mark Green Wisconsin
Paul Ryan Wisconsin
James Sensenbrenner Wisconsin

 Voting Yes:Voting No:
Not Voting: Republicans (4), Democrats (5)