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Senate Appropriations Committee Votes to Maintain Most Funding; Vote on Senate Floor is Next

July 20, 2005

On July 14, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted unanimously to maintain much of the funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the agency that administers federal funding for public radio and television. The Committee's funding recommendations will next go to the floor of the Senate. No date has been set for the vote. It could occur later in July, but is more likely in September.

The Senate Appropriations Committee agreed to recommend to the full Senate $400 million in FY 2008 for CPB, $35 million in FY 2006 to help fund public broadcasting's transition to digital technology and $40 million for renewal of public television's satellite interconnection system. The Committee also agreed to recommend FY 2006 funding of $11 million for public television's Ready to Teach program and $25 million for its Ready to Learn program. These recommendations represent a three percent reduction in funding from current year levels.

The House of Representatives earlier restored $100 million in cuts that had been recommended by the House Appropriations Committee. While the vote of the full House was a major step forward, the House position still contains about half of the cuts that had been recommended by the House Appropriations Committee.

Following the vote of the full Senate, conferees from the House and Senate will meet to reconcile the differences in their bills.

With the full Senate vote and then conference committee negotiations ahead of us, it continues to be important that you let your elected representatives know how you feel about funding for public broadcasting.

At Minnesota Public Radio, federal funding supports about ten percent of our annual budget. This funding is vital to our ability to provide the quality news, information, cultural and entertainment programming and Web content that you appreciate.

Please contact your Senators to register your views. At Minnesota Public Radio, we deeply appreciate your continued support. Thank you for making your voice heard.