

  • Fewer people sought US unemployment aid last week
    Fewer people requested unemployment benefits last week, pushing the average number of applications over the past four weeks to the lowest level in more than two and a half years.February 24, 2011
  • Wis. troopers sent to find Democrats, no one home
    After more than 43 hours of debate, Democrats in the state Assembly agreed to limit the number of remaining amendments and time spent on each in order to reach a vote on the union rights bill sometime later in the day. Wisconsin State Troopers were sent to find at least one Senate Democrat but none were at their homes.February 24, 2011
  • With corporations paying a smaller share of the tax burden, Walker blames public employees?
    In the face of attacks in Wisconsin and elsewhere, labor is beginning to stir in a way not seen for a long time.February 24, 2011
  • Wisconsin stalemate: labor's future
    As Wisconsin politicians navigate their next moves, the outcome of the budget-labor battle may impact the labor movement for the next generation. Will unions, and public opinion of them, become weaker or stronger?Midmorning, February 24, 2011
  • UW-La Crosse faculty vote on unionization, even as bargaining rights threatened
    Faculty at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse campus have decided to go forward with a vote this week on whether to unionize, although the results might be rendered meaningless by Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to eliminate their collective bargaining rights.February 23, 2011
  • Wisconsin stalemate: Who will blink first?
    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker appears on TV to try to end the budget-labor standoff. Will his appearance change the dynamic in Wisconsin? Plus, what would it take to force a compromise?Midmorning, February 23, 2011
  • Is it still possible to reinvent yourself?
    Reinvention is part of American mythology. The old you isn't successful? Create a new you. But in an era of recession and crushing debt, and an age where the Internet forgets nothing, is it really still possible to reinvent yourself?Midmorning, February 23, 2011
  • Hundreds rally in St. Paul to support Wis. unions
    Hundreds of people filled the state capitol Tuesday afternoon to say they'll fight any efforts to curb the strength of organized labor like those being debated in Wisconsin.February 22, 2011
  • Between adolescent and adult
    For well over a decade, the media has been criticizing 20-somethings for not wanting to "grow up" - relying on their parents financially and emotionally for much longer than the age of 18. But the authors of a new book argue that cultural and economic forces have subverted the "traditional" path to adulthood, delaying the onset of adulthood for a generation of young people - and that might not be a bad thing.Midmorning, February 22, 2011
  • Frustration grows among the young and jobless
    The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt were propelled in part by large numbers of young educated who are unemployed and disaffected. And they aren't the only countries facing that problem. From the Middle East to Asia to the U.S., economies that can't generate enough jobs to absorb their young people are creating a lost generation that's getting increasingly frustrated.Midmorning, February 22, 2011
  • Neither side budging in Wisconsin union fight
    Republican backers of Gov. Scott Walker's plan to eliminate collective bargaining rights for most public employees are trying to move the explosive proposal closer to reality, even as Democrats remained on the run and protesters filled the halls of the Capitol for a second week.February 22, 2011
  • Wis. gov calls on Dems who fled state to 'come home'
    Democrats on the run in Wisconsin avoided state troopers Friday and threatened to stay in hiding for weeks, potentially paralyzing a state government they no longer control.February 18, 2011
  • Comparing Wis., Minn. public employment benefits
    If you're wondering what sparked the controversy in Wisconsin about proposed changes to the state's labor law and public employee compensation, it helps to look at the numbers as they are now.February 18, 2011
  • US unemployment benefits jump to 410,000
    More people applied for unemployment benefits last week, one week after claims had fallen to the lowest level in nearly three years.February 17, 2011
  • Wis. lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill
    A group of Democratic Wisconsin lawmakers blocked passage of a sweeping anti-union bill Thursday, refusing to show up for a vote and then abruptly leaving the state in an effort to force Republicans to the negotiating table.February 17, 2011

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