

  • Wis. gov. floats union compromise, but no deal yet
    Two of the 14 Senate Democrats who fled Wisconsin to block a vote on stripping most bargaining rights for public workers say Republican Gov. Scott Walker's proposed compromise isn't enough to bring them back to the Capitol, although they'll keep talking.March 9, 2011
  • Recall efforts in Wisconsin face tough odds
    The Wisconsin recall efforts have been launched in the wake of a partisan standoff over public employee pay, benefits and collective bargaining guarantees.March 8, 2011
  • Hutchinson Technology cuts hundreds of jobs
    The company said Tuesday it will move its component manufacturing operations from Hutchison to Eau Claire, Wis., and will trim its workforce of nearly 2,300 people by 30 to 40 percent in the next 12 months.March 8, 2011
  • We're all in this together, but we still can't agree on anything
    This moment of budget crunching may be a tipping point.March 8, 2011
  • Wis. Dems file ethics complaint against Walker
    The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has filed an ethics complaint against Gov. Scott Walker for statements made during a recorded prank phone call.March 7, 2011
  • MinnEcon: The Minnesota jobless gap that isn't closing
    Last week was good for jobless rates. Minnesota's January rate fell below 7 percent, the first time since 2008 the announced monthly rate was less than seven. Earlier today, the U.S. rate also fell to a nearly two year low. And yet we know the announced rate never tells the complete story of the job markets.March 7, 2011
  • Supporters of Wisconsin anti-union bill hold rally
    About 700 people rallied Sunday in support of Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his anti-union plan to balance the budget - a demonstration meant to counter three weeks of large anti-Walker protests in and around the state Capitol.March 6, 2011
  • Unemployment dips to 8.9 pct., 192K jobs added
    Employers in February hired at the fastest pace in almost a year and the unemployment rate fell to 8.9 percent - a nearly two-year low.March 4, 2011
  • Wis. governor warns of layoffs, talks to Democrats
    Thousands of Wisconsin state workers were bracing for layoff notices Friday as Republican Gov. Scott Walker and absent Democrats remained in a standoff over a budget balancing bill that would also strip public workers of their collective bargaining rights.March 4, 2011
  • Protesters peacefully leave Capitol after ruling
    About 50 pro-union protesters peacefully left the state Capitol late Thursday after a judge ruled they could no longer spend the night to show their opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to eliminate nearly all collective bargaining rights for public workers.March 3, 2011
  • Study: Minn.'s public workers earn less than private workers
    A new study concludes that Minnesota's government employees are getting paid an average of nearly 8 percent less than their private-sector counterparts, in terms of total compensation.March 3, 2011
  • Wis. Dems threatened with police action, layoffs
    On Thursday night, a judge ordered around 100 protesters who had been spending the night there for weeks to leave, although he said they could return during regular business hours.March 3, 2011
  • Wis. Senate may order police to bring back Dems
    The Wisconsin Senate has passed a resolution calling for police to take 14 Democrats into custody for contempt after they fled to Illinois to avoid voting on a union rights bill.March 3, 2011
  • Reports of layoffs at Boston Scientific no surprise to analysts
    Boston Scientific, which employs some 5,000 Minnesotans, is keeping mum about reports it's planning job cuts that could fall heavily in the state. But with some of the company's key businesses in the doldrums, analysts say job cuts would make sense.March 3, 2011
  • US unemployment aid requests fall to near 3-year low
    The number of people requesting unemployment benefits last week plunged to a nearly three-year low, bolstering likelihood that companies will increase the pace of hiring this year.March 3, 2011

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