Norm Coleman

Norm Coleman
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

Since Sen. Paul Wellstone's death five years ago he's been remembered in big and small ways. Supporters say rather than fading, Wellstone's legacy is growing stronger. (10/25/2007)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman has taken out a full-page ad in the Star Tribune newspaper, criticizing Democrat Al Franken. Franken says the ad is intended to distract voters from Coleman's support for the war in Iraq. (09/25/2007)
It's not an election year, but the race for U.S. Senate is going strong at the Minnesota State Fair. (08/30/2007)
A group called Vets for Freedom says it will air television ads throughout much of Minnesota thanking Republican Sen. Norm Coleman for his support of the president's strategy in Iraq. (08/02/2007)
Bush will be the featured guest at a Coleman fundraiser Aug. 21 in Eden Prairie, according to an invitation The Associated Press obtained Wednesday and confirmed with a spokeswoman for the hosts. (08/01/2007)
A new poll says more people disapprove of the job Republican Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota is doing than approve. (07/25/2007)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman says he won't support an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Democrats have been trying to pressure Coleman this week as the Senate debates various amendments about the Iraq war. (07/12/2007)
The Mason-Dixon Research poll says Sen. Norm Coleman presently enjoys more than a 20-percent spread between him and either Al Franken or Mike Ciresi. But his approval rating has slipped below 50 percent. (05/14/2007)
While Democratic candidate Al Franken turned to fellow entertainers to raise money for his Senate campaign, Sen. Norm Coleman got help from fellow Republicans, receiving donations from more than a dozen leadership political action committees run by GOP senators. (04/17/2007)
Minnesota's senior U.S. senator, Republican Norm Coleman, discusses the war in Iraq and other major issues facing Congress. He also takes questions from MPR listeners. (Midday, 02/26/2007)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/17/1949

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, N.Y.

Education: JD, Univeristy of Iowa College of Law, 1976;
BA, Political Science, Hofstra University, 1971

Positions Held: U.S. Senator, 2002-present;
Mayor, St. Paul, Minn, 1993-2001

Business/Professional Experience: Minnesota Attorney General's Office, 1976-1993

Religion: Jewish


Official campaign site



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