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5th District: Jorge Saavedra

Jorge Saavedra joined the race for the seat being vacated by Rep. Martin Sabo on March 23, 2006. He first made a name for himself as an attorney representing workers at a Holiday Inn Express who were arrested and put into deportation proceedings. In his candidacy announcement, Saavedra said "I'm in this race to speak out for an end to the war in Iraq, to speak out for working people and for children in the community." He said his priority, if elected, will be to "bring our troops home quickly, and establish a true international peacekeeping force." He also advocates universal health care, more investment in basic education, labor rights, immigratin reform, and incentives toward alternative fuel production.

Candidate Bio

Jorge Saavedra
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
Chile. Settled in Bismarck, N.D. Moved to Minneapolis to attend University of Minnesota.
Attorney. Served for six years as chief legal officer of Centro Legal.
B.A. University of Minnesota. Law degree frm Hamiline University School of Law.
Political experience:
Volunteers on board of Minnesota Alliance for Progressive Action/Progressive Minnesota. Co-chair of Latinos for Kerry '04. Participant in Wellstone Action's Camp Wellstone candidate training.

Resources and Links

Campaign Web site:
Document VoteforJorge.com

Candidate Pages

DFL U.S. Senate candidates Amy Klobuchar and Ford Bell make a joint appearance as part of Midday's Meet the Candidates series. They are both hoping for strong support from the party faithful in Tuesday's precinct caucuses. (Midday, 03/03/2006)
Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., has set his sights on the U.S. Senate. He's running for the seat vacated by Democratic Sen. Mark Dayton, who is not seeking reelection. (Midday, 03/02/2006)
Internet privacy experts say they're concerned that the party isn't telling the viewer that it's collecting the data and worry where the information will end up. (03/01/2006)
DFL gubernatorial candidate Kelly Doran explains where he stands on issues ranging from health care to gay marriage as part of Midday's ongoing Meet the Candidates series. (Midday, 02/28/2006)
State Sen. Michele Bachmann has suspended her congressional campaign while she enters a hospital for medical treatment. (02/27/2006)
DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch has been keeping a relatively low profile since entering the race for governor. In Midday's ongoing Meet the Candidates series, Hatch explains what he'd do if voters put him in the governor's office this November. (Midday, 02/27/2006)
How accurate is polling? Where do the numbers comes from? What do they mean? Are we becoming too poll driven in the electoral process? (Midmorning, 02/24/2006)
Ford Bell is one of two Minnesota Demcorats vying for a seat in the U.S. Senate this year. In Midday's ongoing Meet the Candidates series, Bell explains what he'd like to accomplish in Washington. (Midday, 02/24/2006)
Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar is hoping to keep Mark Dayton's U.S. Senate seat in Democratic hands. She's already raised well over $2 million to finance her campaign, putting her second in the money race behind Republican contender Rep. Mark Kennedy. (Midday, 02/23/2006)
Midday's Meet the Candidates series continues with gubernatorial hopeful Steve Kelley. State Sen. Kelley, DFL-Hopkins, chairs the Senate Education Committee and is in his third term in the Minnesota State Senate. (Midday, 02/22/2006)
Midday's "Meet the Candidates" series continues with Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Becky Lourey. (Midday, 02/21/2006)
The chairs of the state Republican and DFL parties talk about the upcoming caucuses and what may be the most expensive races for top offices in Minnesota history. (Midmorning, 02/21/2006)
Republican lawmakers and Emily's List have emerged as big early players in the Minnesota senate race, an Associated Press review of campaign finance reports shows. (02/16/2006)
MPR's Tom Crann talks with Rep. Mark Kennedy about President Bush's proposed federal budget (02/10/2006)
The group leading an effort to define marriage as a heterosexual institution in Minnesota raised $220,000 last year - more than half of it from just two donors who opened their wallets to the cause. (02/09/2006)
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