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5th District: Jorge Saavedra

Jorge Saavedra joined the race for the seat being vacated by Rep. Martin Sabo on March 23, 2006. He first made a name for himself as an attorney representing workers at a Holiday Inn Express who were arrested and put into deportation proceedings. In his candidacy announcement, Saavedra said "I'm in this race to speak out for an end to the war in Iraq, to speak out for working people and for children in the community." He said his priority, if elected, will be to "bring our troops home quickly, and establish a true international peacekeeping force." He also advocates universal health care, more investment in basic education, labor rights, immigratin reform, and incentives toward alternative fuel production.

Candidate Bio

Jorge Saavedra
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
Chile. Settled in Bismarck, N.D. Moved to Minneapolis to attend University of Minnesota.
Attorney. Served for six years as chief legal officer of Centro Legal.
B.A. University of Minnesota. Law degree frm Hamiline University School of Law.
Political experience:
Volunteers on board of Minnesota Alliance for Progressive Action/Progressive Minnesota. Co-chair of Latinos for Kerry '04. Participant in Wellstone Action's Camp Wellstone candidate training.

Resources and Links

Campaign Web site:
Document VoteforJorge.com

Candidate Pages

Legislators acknowledge there's not much the state can do about the high prices. But that may not matter to voters who could take out their frustration on incumbents this fall. (05/12/2006)
Democrats in the 6th Congressional District will meet Saturday in Monticello to endorse a candidate for the U.S. House. (05/12/2006)
A new Gallup poll shows a 13 percent drop in Republican support for President Bush. Midmorning looks at the latest public opinion polls and surveys the political landscape as we get closer to the 2006 elections. (Midmorning, 05/12/2006)
Patty Wetterling and Elwyn Tinklenberg both want to grab Mark Kennedy's House seat for the Democratic Party. They make their cases to the voters in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District. (Midday, 05/10/2006)
If elected, Keith Ellison would be the first African American congressman in Minnesota history. But the endorsement doesn't guarantee that he'll be DFLer on the November ballot because several Democrats say they'll run in a September primary. (05/06/2006)
Bachmann easily won the endorsement contest Saturday in Monticello and is looking ahead to the November election. Her three challengers say they are sticking to their pledge not to run in a primary. (05/06/2006)
Rep. Mark Kennedy has set his sights on the U.S. Senate, and there is a heated race underway for the Republican endorsement to take his place in Congress. (Midday, 05/03/2006)
In an advertisement for his new book, Crashing the Gate, Markos Moulitsas is shown helping a group of people trying to pull a donkey to their side, by kicking it in the rear end. It's more than just a metaphor. (05/02/2006)
Minneapolis business owner Sue Jeffers announces her candidacy for governor Thursday, taking on Gov. Tim Pawlenty for the Republican endorsement. Jeffers is an outspoken critic of Pawlenty, saying he's not conservative enough. (04/27/2006)
After initially entering the governor's race under the Libertarian Party banner, Minneapolis bar owner Sue Jeffers has decided to challenge incumbent Gov. Tim Pawlenty for the Republican Party nomination. (Midday, 04/26/2006)
When Rep. Martin Sabo announced his retirement last month, about a dozen DFL candidates started lining up to replace him. They range from a Dairy Queen owner to a university professor. At a forum on Sunday, they touted their political chops. (04/23/2006)
Three of four candidates for the 6th District seat signed a pledge to honor the party endorsement process. But a fourth refused to sign, although he says he'll abide by it. (04/21/2006)
Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former U.S. Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., discuss the future of the conservative movement in a broadcast from MPR's The Forum. (Midday, 04/20/2006)
Midmorning talks with Gov. Tim Pawlenty about the closing of the Ford plant in St. Paul, the progress of the legislative session, and immigration reform. (Midmorning, 04/18/2006)
The common campaign theme among the Republican challengers is that Congress doesn't just need more Republicans, it needs more conservative Republicans. (04/17/2006)
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