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5th District: Jorge Saavedra

Jorge Saavedra joined the race for the seat being vacated by Rep. Martin Sabo on March 23, 2006. He first made a name for himself as an attorney representing workers at a Holiday Inn Express who were arrested and put into deportation proceedings. In his candidacy announcement, Saavedra said "I'm in this race to speak out for an end to the war in Iraq, to speak out for working people and for children in the community." He said his priority, if elected, will be to "bring our troops home quickly, and establish a true international peacekeeping force." He also advocates universal health care, more investment in basic education, labor rights, immigratin reform, and incentives toward alternative fuel production.

Candidate Bio

Jorge Saavedra
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
Chile. Settled in Bismarck, N.D. Moved to Minneapolis to attend University of Minnesota.
Attorney. Served for six years as chief legal officer of Centro Legal.
B.A. University of Minnesota. Law degree frm Hamiline University School of Law.
Political experience:
Volunteers on board of Minnesota Alliance for Progressive Action/Progressive Minnesota. Co-chair of Latinos for Kerry '04. Participant in Wellstone Action's Camp Wellstone candidate training.

Resources and Links

Campaign Web site:
Document VoteforJorge.com

Candidate Pages

Chief Justice Russell Anderson stressed that no members of the high court ever spoke with Johnson about whether the state's law banning gay marriage could withstand a legal challenge. (03/20/2006)
U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo, DFL-Minn., announced Saturday that he won't seek a 15th term in Congress. (Midday, 03/20/2006)
"In my gut I know the time is right," the Minneapolis DFLer said on Saturday as he announced the end of his political career. (03/18/2006)
University of Minnesota political scientist Larry Jacobs says Martin Sabo's decision to retire is "momentous," and the time of the announcement is "strange." (03/17/2006)
Martin Sabo is holding a press conference Saturday to announce he's not seeking re-election. The 5th District Democrat has been a member of Congress representing Minneapolis for 28 years. (03/17/2006)
In MPR's ongoing Meet the Candidates series, Gov. Tim Pawlenty makes his case for a second term in office. (Midday, 03/13/2006)
Nearly 100 veterans are running for congressional seats in the 2006 election. Midmorning looks at why these soldier-candidates have hit the campaign trail in numbers not seen in more than 50 years. (Midmorning, 03/13/2006)
Jacob Wetterling Foundation officials say they've been considering the name change for several years, but one board member says Patty Wetterling's political campaign is also playing a role in the possible change. (03/10/2006)
In what sounded like a test of possible themes for a re-election campaign, Pawlenty said he's completed the biggest financial turnaround in state history. (03/09/2006)
If spin were a sport, they'd be handing out gold medals at the state Capitol. DFL candidates for governor and the U.S. Senate are all claiming a victory of some kind from the outcome of a straw poll taken Tuesday night at precinct caucuses around the state. (03/08/2006)
Analysis of Tuesday's precinct caucuses from the Republican, DFL and Independence Party perspectives. (Midday, 03/08/2006)
Attorney General Mike Hatch appeared to be the favorite candidate for governor among those attending DFL precinct caucuses Tuesday night. In the DFL's U.S. Senate contest, a straw poll showed Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar had nearly 77 percent to veterinarian Ford Bell's 16 percent. (03/07/2006)
The DFL candidates for governor will all be watching Tuesday's precinct caucuses to see what kind of support they enjoy from party stalwarts. Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson face no challenge within their parties. (Midday, 03/07/2006)
How did Minnesota's political parties come to endorse candidates the way they do? (Midday, 03/07/2006)
Taxes, health care and national security were among the key issues addressed by three candidates running for Minnesota's open U.S. Senate seat. (03/03/2006)
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