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Session 2005

Session 2005: Transportation

Some lawmakers say legislation to double the amount of ethanol in gasoline is moving so quickly that legitimate concerns are being brushed aside. (02/15/2005)
Minnesota Senate Minority Leader Dick Day, R-Owatonna, broke ranks with Gov. Tim Pawlenty in two significant ways in recent weeks. Last week Day proposed a nickel-a-gallon gas tax hike to pay for transportation projects, which would violate Pawlenty's staunch no-new-taxes pledge. Day has also rejected the governor's plan for a new metro-area casino, favoring expanded gambling at Canterbury Park racetrack in Shakopee. ( 02/08/2005)
The Minnesota Senate takes up Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposal Monday to raise the ethanol levels in Minnesota's fuel supply from 10 to 20 percent by 2012. The ethanol debate is multi-faceted, pitting farmers against car makers and environmentalists--who disagree about the net environmental impact of ethanol production--against each other. Taking everything into account, from reduced emissions and domestic energy cultivation to market distortions and voided vehicle warranties, is more ethanol a good idea? ( 02/07/2005)
The top Senate Republican threw his weight Wednesday behind a nickel-per-gallon hike in the gas tax and proposed adding a surcharge on car sales to help pay for road construction. (02/02/2005)
The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce added its voice on Wednesday to the growing chorus of organizations calling for more transportation spending. The chamber's proposal broke ranks with its political ally, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, by suggesting a nickel-a-gallon gas tax hike to pay for additional highway expansions, bridge building and other projects. Are Minnesotans willing to pay a premium on fuel to ease the flow of traffic? ( 01/27/2005)
The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the state's largest business interest group, today proposed a massive speedup in state transportation projects. The chamber proposes a 5 cent a gallon increase in the state gas tax, among other ideas, to pay for the package. (01/26/2005)
Minnesota's transportation funding debate has gotten a big jolt with the release of a study by the Citizens League. The study recommends that Minnesota gas tax revenue, constitutionally dedicated for road and bridge building, be used for additional transportation needs. (01/21/2005)
Gov. Pawlenty says borrowing to pay for highway projects is a common-sense, fiscally responsible idea. Is it? (01/17/2005)
Midmorning gets an end-of-the-year update from Gov. Tim Pawlenty. The governor discusses the budget, education, gambling and the state of the state. ( 12/23/2004)
Gov. Pawlenty on Wednesday proposed a 10-year, $7 billion transportation package. He says it will accelerate dozens of road and transit projects across the state. DFL leaders called it a credit-card financing scheme. (12/22/2004)

Session 2005

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Video from the Capitol

Audio Live House video (Windows Media)

Audio Live Senate video (RealPlayer)

Audio Highlights

Audio Rep. Dan Dorman
The size of Pawlenty's bonding proposal (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Barb Sykora and Sen. Steve Kelley
Education (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Steve Murphy
Transportation issues (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Fran Bradley
Health care initiatives (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Larry Pogemiller
Funding issues (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Jim Knoblach and Sen. Dick Cohen
The budget and human services (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Andy Westerberg
Prospects for new stadiums (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Michele Bachmann
Same-sex legislation (1/4/05)