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Session 2005

Session 2005: Transportation

Transit received mostly good news from the long legislative session. Midmorning discusses the future of service, fares and mass transportation. ( 07/18/2005)
Minnesota lawmakers found money to make up some of the projected revenue shortfall facing Twin Cities transit service. Overall, lawmakers say, transportation spending on the state's aging road and bridge system will remain largely unchanged. The budget agreement contains no increase in the state gasoline tax, license tab fees, or other sources of revenue that could help fix what many say is a deficient state transportation system. (07/11/2005)
Work begins this summer on the last link of one of Minnesota's longest-running and most controversial road building sagas. (06/12/2005)
A proposed constitutional amendment, overshadowed by the gas-tax debate and shielded from Gov. Tim Pawlenty's transportation bill veto, will let Minnesota voters decide next year whether to earmark vehicle taxes for roads, bridges and transit. (05/19/2005)
Senators dared Gov. Tim Pawlenty to make good on his no-new-tax pledge by approving a road-funding bill Wednesday with a dime-a-gallon gas tax increase. (05/18/2005)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty stands poised with his veto pen should a 10-cent gas tax hike passed by the Minnesota House Thursday make it to his desk. The bill goes to the Senate next and could be considered as early as Monday. ( 05/13/2005)
For the first time in more than a decade, the Minnesota House has voted to raise the state's gas tax. Ten Republicans joined with most Democrats on Thursday to pass a $7.7 billion transportation package. It's also the first time the House has passed a tax increase since Gov. Pawlenty was elected, which could put his "no new taxes" stance to the test. (05/13/2005)
The Minnesota House on Thursday approved a gigantic transportation package that includes a 10-cent increase in the gas tax over the next three years. (05/12/2005)
Minnesota's embrace of ethanol-gasoline blends would be taken to new heights under a bill that could clear the Legislature as soon as Wednesday. (05/03/2005)
The House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to require that the amount of ethanol in gasoline sold in Minnesota be doubled over the next decade, with supporters citing economic opportunity for rural areas and decreased dependence on foreign oil. (04/27/2005)
A House committee on Thursday defeated a plan to add a nickel more to Minnesota's 20-cent-per-gallon gas tax but decided that some car owners should pay more to register their vehicles. (04/21/2005)
Governor Tim Pawlenty and Lieutenant Governor Carol Molnau renewed their call for a long-term transportation financing package on Wednesday. They also offered a summer construction overview. Midmorning discusses the state's transit plan, toll roads and the kickoff of construction season. ( 04/07/2005)
Ethanol is known to many as the fuel which takes more energy to make than it yields. The Cornell scientist most known for promoting the claim says that equation also applies to other fuels. (03/21/2005)
Metro Transit plans to reduce or cancel service on around 70 percent of its routes each weekday and raise nearly all fares by 25 cents to deal with a budget crunch. (03/15/2005)
The Minnesota House has overwhelmingly passed an $816 million package of public works projects. And as part of the legislation the House has, for the first time, approved some seed money for the proposed Northstar commuter rail line between Minneapolis and Big Lake. (02/22/2005)

Session 2005

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Video from the Capitol

Audio Live House video (Windows Media)

Audio Live Senate video (RealPlayer)

Audio Highlights

Audio Rep. Dan Dorman
The size of Pawlenty's bonding proposal (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Barb Sykora and Sen. Steve Kelley
Education (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Steve Murphy
Transportation issues (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Fran Bradley
Health care initiatives (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Larry Pogemiller
Funding issues (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Jim Knoblach and Sen. Dick Cohen
The budget and human services (1/4/05)

Audio Rep. Andy Westerberg
Prospects for new stadiums (1/4/05)

Audio Sen. Michele Bachmann
Same-sex legislation (1/4/05)