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Document What goals would you set for President Bush? What focus would you like to see? What do you want from the 2004 administration?
Campaign Calendar
Nov. 2
Election day
December 13
Presidential electors meet at state capitals.
Jan. 5
Start of 109th Congress
Jan. 20
Presidential inauguration
News & Features
Campaign 2004


District Information
District map
Median age: 37
School age: 15%
Age 65+: 12%
Percent below poverty: 12%
Per capita income: $23,815
Median housing value: $118,158
Percent unemployed: 3%
Percent minority: 23%
Percent college graduate: 21%
Percent less than high school diploma: 9%

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Links and Resources
Document Past 5th District results:
Results of recent elections.
Campaign 2002:
Document The 5th District Race
News Headlines

Congress: 5th District

In 2002, Republicans advanced a redistricting plan that would have combined Minneapolis and St. Paul into one congressional district, thus denying DFLers at least one "sure-thing" seat in Congress. But a panel of judges disagreed and kept St. Paul in the 4th District and Minneapolis in the 5th District. The district, which includes a few inner ring suburbs, is heavily DFL, and tends to be lower on the income scale. George W. Bush received only 29% of the vote there in 2000. Ethnically, the district is changing from its roots as a white, Scandanavian enclave. Hennepin County is now home to the largest number of African immigrants in the state, and the area behind the Minneapolis warehouse district is becoming heavily Hmong.

McCollum's view of Iraq
Rep. Betty McCollum, DFL-Minn., has returned from a trip to Iraq. During her visit, a wave of coordinated attacks took place, some targeting the Red Cross headquarters in Baghdad, killing more than 35 people. She also visited Mosul, in northern Iraq, where she and other members of her delegation with the House International Relations committee met with members of the 101st Airborne Division. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with McCollum.
Kennedy remarks on Iraq
Minnesota 6th district republican Congressman Mark Kennedy talks about his recent trip to Iraq, and the major issues facing Congress this fall.
Tolls for thee, Minnesota?
In the next couple of years, Minnesotans could be paying tolls to use certain metropolitan highway lanes. State and federal lawmakers are considering plans to charge lane fees to relieve congestion and fund new road projects. The proposal is part of a mix of highway development and financing plans announced by Gov. Tim Pawlenty's administration and legislators from both parties.

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