
People & Places

  • Tough times for regional dollar stores
    Rising costs hit dollar storesJuly 25, 2008
  • Foreign aid watchdog
    A controversial economist, who is dubbed the "anti-Bono," criticizes debt relief and popular forms of foreign aid. He argues that foreign aid to many third world countries has failed to produce sustainable growth.Midmorning, July 25, 2008
  • Pilot comes to terms with friend's death on memorial journey
    A 72-year-old pilot is on his way from Minnesota to Wisconsin after completing a tribute to a dear friend by flying his home-built biplane to each of the lower 48 states.July 22, 2008
  • Following the laws of physics in superhero movies
    MPR's Tom Crann talks to Jim Kakalios, University of Minnesota physics professor and author of "The Physics of Superheroes," about this summer's comic book inspired movies.July 18, 2008
  • His mission: make new citizens voters
    In Minnesota, one man has made it his mission to make sure new citizens are ready to exercise the right to vote.July 18, 2008
  • Duluth air show draws fans and foes
    The Duluth air show this weeked will draw fans and foes of military aircraft.July 18, 2008
  • Minnesota's population is rising
    New population estimates show the Twin Cities region continues to grow by nearly 30,000 people a year.July 17, 2008
  • Tightening the belt on airlines
    Airline passengers are paying fees for lots of things that used to be free, checked bags, changes in seats. A look at whether this approach is beginning to affect how much people fly.Midmorning, July 15, 2008
  • Minnesota entered statehood with an economic whimper
    Our current mortgage meltdown crisis is a modern day version of a spectacular collapse 150 years ago.July 13, 2008
  • Favre wants release from Packers
    Brett Favre asked the Packers to release him so he can return to the NFL with another team, after apparently being told his latest retirement reversal wasn't welcome news in Green Bay.July 11, 2008
  • Film director celebrates 1994
    While 1994 may not stick out in many people's minds as being one of the watershed years of U.S. history, it does for film director Jonathan Levine. "Much like 1776, just with more rap music," he says. It's the year he set his new film "The Wackness."July 11, 2008
  • Fight for the big cats
    A renowned animal conservationist explains why dictators are more committed to saving endangered species than are leaders from democratic societies.Midmorning, July 11, 2008
  • Anniversary of the first test tube baby
    The world's first test tube baby was born 30 years ago this month, and launched a reproductive revolution. Midmorning discusses the impact of this success, and the future of in vitro fertilization.Midmorning, July 11, 2008
  • Sundance hopes to inspire Indian filmmakers
    Representatives of the organization which runs the famed Sundance Film Festival are in Minnesota to encourage filmmaking in the state's Indian communities.July 10, 2008
  • Charm school for China
    Athletes aren't the only ones frantically preparing for the Beijing Olympics. Chinese citizens are also in training. They're working to perfect skills like not spitting in public and not urinating on the street.July 10, 2008

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