
People & Places

  • Keillor live at the State Fair
    Garrison Keillor joins Midday live at the State Fair on the stage at Carousel Park. Keillor is coming out with a new book, "Liberty: A Novel of Lake Wobegon."Midday, August 29, 2008
  • If Stone Could Speak
    If you have ever wondered at the magnificent stonework at the St Paul Cathedral, local documentary filmmaker Randy Croce has a story for you.August 29, 2008
  • 'Takin it to the streets' ain't what it used to be
    The image and public perception of protesters has changed since the 1960s.August 29, 2008
  • Movies go underground in Minneapolis
    The Twin Cities gets a new film festival this weekend: a festival born out of frustration. The organizers of Minneapolis Underground Film Festival will screen movies that mainstream events have shunned.August 28, 2008
  • Kids bring their passion for politics to Denver
    Like thousands of others in Denver, some children have brought their political passion and protests to the streets.August 27, 2008
  • Silence and meditation amid convention chaos
    Just like the DNC, Meditate 08! brings in high-profile speakers to inspire attendees. But instead of roaring cheers, the sign of approval here is contemplative silence.August 25, 2008
  • A sesquicentennial choral tour of Minnesota
    Audiences at the State Fair on Saturday can tour Minnesota through choral music. Six choirs from around Minnesota will perform specially commissioned music reflecting the diverse histories, landscapes and people of the state.August 22, 2008
  • Minnesota State Fair by the numbers
    More than 1.5 million people make their way to the Minnesota State Fair each year, which kicked off Thursday. However, those are not the only significant numbers of the Great Minnesota Get-Together.August 21, 2008
  • Duluth tries to trim budget hole with civic yard sale
    The City of Duluth, which is facing a large budget crisis, is considering selling part of its cultural and natural heritage to settle the budget gap.August 21, 2008
  • Count all the numbers, and the job picture looks even bleaker
    The official U.S. employment rate for July is 5.7 percent. It's also 10.3 percent, and that higher number may be a more accurate reflection of the nation's job market.August 21, 2008
  • State Fair show will celebrate 150 years of Minnesota statehood
    One of the special Minnesota State Fair attractions this year is the Big Top State Fair Chautauqua. It will present a mixture of music and lectures celebrating 150 years of Minnesota statehood.August 20, 2008
  • 'Street medics' gear up for RNC protests
    A small crew of street medics is preparing to offer first aid and mental health care to protesters and others during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul.August 20, 2008
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
    A group of college presidents has signed on to a new initiative that calls for a renewed debate over the legal drinking age. Opponents say lowering the drinking age would lead to more car accidents and an increase in binge drinking.Midmorning, August 20, 2008
  • The latest nose news
    A smell scientist challenges long-held beliefs on this most valuable fifth sense.Midmorning, August 20, 2008
  • St. Paul program targets childhood obesity
    A new program is taking advantage of what's left of summer to help kids avoid the obesity trap.August 19, 2008

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