
People & Places

  • Protest as social action
    During the Republican National Convention, 818 activists were arrested during street protests as well as preemptive raids. Midmorning examines the purpose of protest and explores its role in social movements.Midmorning, September 10, 2008
  • North Pole explorer Ralph Plaisted dies at 80
    Ralph S. Plaisted, a Minnesota insurance salesman turned Arctic explorer who led a snowmobile expedition to the North Pole in 1968, has died. He was 80.September 10, 2008
  • Zen and now
    Millions of people know the 1970s book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." It's the story of author Robert Pirsig's cross-country bike trip with his son Chris. Now, a 21st century biker has recreated Pirsig's journey, and written a book called "Zen and Now."September 9, 2008
  • Civic Fest organizers will refund vendors' fees
    Letters are going out to Civic Fest vendors informing them how to obtain a refund of their $2,500 registration fee. The show didn't draw the crowds organizers hoped during the Republican National Convention.September 8, 2008
  • From Iraq to Minnesota, a new life
    The five-year long Iraq war has created millions of refugees and now a handful are resettling in Minnesota.September 8, 2008
  • The self-described Forrest Gump of comedy
    Actor Taylor Negron has appeared in more than 100 movies and many TV shows. Now he's telling many of these stories in a show called "Satellites," which he'll perform this weekend in Minneapolis.September 5, 2008
  • Famed 'church lunch' offers extra helpings during RNC
    The RNC isn't the only thing ending Thursday; so is an extra run of church lunches.September 4, 2008
  • Jailed protesters criticize police actions
    The Republican National Convention wraps up tonight, following several days of protests and more than 300 arrests. As the first detainees charged with gross misdemeanors or felonies were released yesterday, many said police arrested them without cause.September 4, 2008
  • Halter tops and snakeskin on the runway at GOP fashion show
    About 50 female Republicans gathered at the Mall of America Tuesday for a fashion show and fundraiser for battered women.September 3, 2008
  • Singer Janis Ian reminisces about her career on the edge
    At age 15, Janis Ian recorded a song that many considered too controversial for its time. Forty years later, her autobiography of the same title, "Society's Child," describes how music has guided her life through early protest concerts, and shored up her social causes today.Midmorning, September 2, 2008
  • RNC protest pictures in 360 degrees
    View 360 degree scenes of the RNC anti-war protest.September 1, 2008
  • A hardened few choose to stay and ride out Gustav
    While millions of people have evacuated the Gulf Coast, many stubbornly refused to go, even in places that were virtually wiped from the map by Katrina three years ago.September 1, 2008
  • Film festival organizers hope to make an 'Impact' during RNC
    Some folks are coming to the RNC to get delegates to watch movies. For the four days of the Convention the non-partisan Impact Film Festival will hold free screenings of new movies about healthcare, water protection, disaster recovery and other social challenges.August 29, 2008
  • Minnesota State Fair in 360 degrees
    Minnesota Public Radio captures a panoramic view of the curiosities at the Minnesota State Fair.August 29, 2008
  • Free speech and what makes us American
    From now through December, Midmorning will look at six key debates that define America using Howard Fineman's book "The Thirteen American Arguments" as our guide. Today Midmorning tackles the issue of free speech.Midmorning, August 29, 2008

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