
Energy & Resources

  • Minnesota's role in increasing renewable fuel supply
    In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Bush called for America to produce 35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels by 2017. Much of that fuel may well come from Minnesota's farm fields.Midday, January 24, 2007
  • Reviews are mixed for governor's enviro and energy spending
    Some environmentalists say Gov. Pawlenty's budget is disappointing, but the governor gets positive review for spending on renewable energy.January 23, 2007
  • Monticello nuclear plant shut down indefinitely
    Federal officials are asking several nuclear power plants to check their facilities after a piece of equipment broke down at a power plant in central Minnesota. The plant, located northwest of the Twin Cites in Monticello, is still shut down.January 17, 2007
  • The light bulb and you
    A simple device we use every day without thinking may hold the key to reducing greenhouse gases...if only we can be persuaded to use it. Midmorning looks at the environmental trade-offs we make with the light bulb.Midmorning, January 10, 2007
  • Small railroads see big ethanol future
    The ethanol boom is helping more than farmers. Most of the nation's ethanol production is transported by rail. Shortline railroads often ar the first link in moving the fuel from rural plants to big city markets.January 5, 2007
  • Ford dam draws potential buyers
    Ford has puzzled some by putting up for sale one of the soon-to-be-closed plant's major assets -- a unique hydroelectric plant that has powered Ford's St. Paul operation for 83 years.January 5, 2007
  • It's the economy vs. the environment at hearing for Iron Range power plant
    Many worry about pollution if the Mesaba Energy Project is built nearby. But others at a hearing in Taconite stood to say the region needs the jobs the project could bring to Itasca County.December 20, 2006
  • Energy from our prairies
    A new study in the journal Nature suggests that prairie grass may be a more efficient and practical source for biofuel than soy or even corn.Midmorning, December 11, 2006
  • Federal help for cellulosic ethanol
    Several companies are competing to build the nation's first cellulosic ethanol plants. The federal government likely will help decide the winners.December 9, 2006
  • Construction concerns stall new ethanol plants
    Some plans for new ethanol production have been postponed or canceled across the U.S. as the ethanol boom slows. One analyst says far more plants have been proposed than will ever be built.December 5, 2006
  • Sierra Club demands Big Stone Power Plant cut pollution
    The Sierra Club in Minnesota says it will go to court unless the Big Stone Power Plant on the Minnesota-South Dakota border takes steps to reduce pollution by about 90 percent.November 20, 2006
  • The arguments over Excelsior Energy
    The debate over Excelsior's coal gasification plant is underway, despite the cancellation of technical hearings.November 19, 2006
  • Timber troubles hurt northern economy
    Minnesota's timber industry is in crisis. Recent mill lay-offs at one of the state's largest wood products companies is sending ripples through the economy. Many loggers, haulers and suppliers are expecting things to get worse.October 31, 2006
  • The "roadless rule" and state land: a special case
    A California judge's ruling reinstating the "Clinton roadless rule" has complicated the debate about the use of forests in Minnesota.October 20, 2006
  • Heat cutoff rule now in effect
    Residents who may have trouble paying their energy bills. From now through April 15, residential energy customers are protected from having their service disconnected.October 16, 2006

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