
Energy & Resources

  • Slowing down carbon emissions
    A task force is due to vote Wednesday on some measures Minnesotans could take to reduce our carbon footprint. One idea is to lower the speed limit on interstate highways.December 5, 2007
  • Biodiesel industry sputtering
    These are tough times for farm-based renewable fuels. Biodiesel producers are being squeezed by high soybean prices. Some plants have closed.November 30, 2007
  • New science from an old oil spill
    An oil spill northwest of Bemidji in 1979 has taught geologists about the environmental effects of oil contamination.November 30, 2007
  • Several agencies will investigate cause of explosion
    The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety is the lead investigator on the pipeline fire and explosion that took place near Clearbrook in northern Minnesota. It could take up to six months to complete.November 29, 2007
  • Pipeline explosion a lesson in worldwide energy policy
    The shutdown of major oil pipelines running through Clearbrook, Minnesota, is providing a surprising lesson about Minnesota's role in world oil markets. Oil prices fluctuated Thursday as oil buyers waffled on how much of problem they thought the shutdown would cause.November 29, 2007
  • Pipeline fire drives oil prices upward
    A pipeline fire in Clearbook Minnesota killed two workers. It also sent prices up, as a crucial part of the system that brings millions of barrels of oil to the Upper Midwest had to be closed.Midmorning, November 29, 2007
  • Critics voice concerns at Iron Range power plant EIS meeting
    The critics ruled at a public meeting for a proposed Iron Range power plant Tuesday. The gathering in the town of Taconite was to hear comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Excelsior Energy's proposed coal gasification power plant.November 28, 2007
  • Do we buy ethanol (in Minnesota) because we have to?
    Imagine you are driving through the Midwest and you need gasoline. Chances are that gas will have some level of ethanol in it. Many states have required ethanol without asking if consumers want it, or if it's environmentally sound.November 20, 2007
  • Oil and the new machine
    Some experts say the auto industry must adapt to energy shortages to survive. A new book examines what transportation could look like in the future for Detroit's Big Three and the global auto industry.Midmorning, November 19, 2007
  • Metro Transit goes green
    Bob Gibbons of the Metro Transit Service talks about the new fleet of hybrid buses hitting the streets of Minneapolis.November 16, 2007
  • Ethanol celebrates a milestone
    It was ten years ago that Minnesota became the first state to require a 10 percent blend of ethanol in all gas. Now, the industry is experiencing a glut and prices are in the dumper. So, is this fledgling industry mature enough so that our policies around it should change?November 15, 2007
  • Groups hope to elevate climate change as campaign issue
    A new grassroots group takes a global warming challenge to the politicians.November 5, 2007
  • Minneapolis to try curbside composting
    For some people in Minneapolis later this year, recycling will take a new twist.November 1, 2007
  • Experts look to timber as next generation energy source
    Ethanol production in the U.S. relies mostly on corn. But timber industry experts say emerging technologies will soon make Minnesota's vast northern forests a new source for ethanol.November 1, 2007
  • Coal gasification faces an uncertain future
    A proposed coal gas project for the Iron Range fights for life as similar projects are dropped.October 28, 2007

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