

  • Northwest Airlines' appeal hearing, CHAOS deadline tomorrow
    The Northwest Airlines flight attendants' CHAOS strike deadline is just a day away, but a couple of groups are supporting the company in trying to prevent targeted walkouts. The U.S. Department of Justice and the Air Transport Association are urging a federal judge to hold the union to its imposed contract.August 24, 2006
  • Ford plant's plans to eliminate a shift leave some workers unsure
    Workers at the Ford assembly plant in St. Paul are waiting to hear more about the company's plans to eliminate the second shift at the plant. The company has yet to announce whether employees will be offered any buyouts or other severance packages.August 24, 2006
  • Excelsior Energy debate goes to the public
    Opponents of Excelsior Energy's proposed coal gasification power plant are focusing on water discharges to Iron Range mine pit.August 22, 2006
  • Northwest appeals decision allowing flight attendants to strike
    Northwest Airlines says it has appealed a bankruptcy court decision allowing flight attendants to go on strike. Bankruptcy experts say Northwest has an uphill battle in its appeal, and the most likely way out of a strike will be intense negotiations.August 18, 2006
  • A year after mechanics went on strike, a trail of contradictions
    It's been a year since 4,000 Northwest mechanics and cleaners declared a strike. They still haven't declared an end to their walkout, even though their jobs have been filled by replacement workers.August 18, 2006
  • Judge rules Northwest flight attendants can strike
    Flight attendants for Northwest Airlines won a major victory Thursday from the judge overseeing the company's bankruptcy. Judge Allan Gropper ruled he does not have the authority to block a threatened strike. Some observers say this ruling could finally force a successful compromise.August 17, 2006
  • Terror threat puts airlines back on shaky ground
    News of new terror plots against U.S. airlines could mean rough times ahead for the financially troubled airline industry. Even a modest drop in business could mean major trouble for Eagan-based Northwest Airlines, which is trying to emerge from bankruptcy.August 10, 2006
  • Strike could force Northwest Airlines to liquidate, executive says
    A Northwest Airlines labor executive says strike actions by flight attendants could force the airline to liquidate.August 9, 2006
  • Some flight attendants wonder whether job is worth it
    A court hearing this Wednesday will decide whether Northwest Airline's flight attendants can strike, after the union's rank and file voted down two contract offers. The legal wrangling is just a short-term question for many flight attendants, who say the bigger dilemma is whether it's worth it to stay in the profession at all.August 7, 2006
  • How chaotic would CHAOS be for Northwest?
    Northwest Airlines flight attendants have set the clock ticking toward a possible strike, one day after union members rejected a negotiated package of pay and benefit cuts. The union says on Aug. 15 its members will begin a strategy of intermittent work stoppages, called CHAOS, designed to confuse airline management, and lead travelers to book elsewhere.August 1, 2006
  • Flight attendants reject new contract with Northwest
    Flight attendants at Northwest Airlines have rejected the latest attempt at a cost-cutting contract with the bankrupt company. The vote escalates the standoff between the two sides, with the airline planning to impose pay cuts, and the flight attendants planning to strike.July 31, 2006
  • Pros and cons of a higher basic wage
    Would a higher minimum wage help or hurt the economy? Midmorning has two takes on an issue the Democrats hope to use to win elections in the fall.Midmorning, July 26, 2006
  • State job growth outpaces national rate
    Minnesota added lots of jobs last month, almost 15,000 in all kinds of industries. State officials say over the past few months, Minnesota has been enjoying the strongest job growth in more than two decades. The surge comes after years of pretty sluggish hiring in Minnesota, and it is not clear just yet if the state economy will continue to add jobs.July 19, 2006
  • Flight attendants' deal -- the end of Northwest's labor woes?
    A last-minute deal between Northwest Airlines and its flight attendants union means no strike for now -- and perhaps the end of the carrier's long drive to cut labor costs.July 17, 2006
  • Judge rules Mesaba can throw out labor contracts
    Eagan-based Mesaba Airlines has won the right to impose a cost-cutting contract on its 1,300 union workers in a bid to address its bankruptcy. Despite its court victory, some observers say Mesaba's survival seems as precarious as ever.July 14, 2006

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