

  • Minnesotans try to weather the economic downturn
    Between rising unemployment, falling interest rates, precipitous market swings and proposals for stimulus, the economy has been prominent in the headlines for the past couple of weeks, and Minnesotans of all walks of life are feeling the affects in different ways.January 24, 2008
  • MLK Day job fair draws thousands
    Economists and politicians are worried about the economy. Minnesota's state economist said last week that the state is in a recession. Congress is debating a possible stimulus package. What do these uncertain economic times mean for African-Americans?January 21, 2008
  • Sewer worker's family sues city and company
    The family of a worker who died last summer in a sewer accident has sued the city of Saint Paul and a contractor alleging they were negligent.January 12, 2008
  • Cliffs says it will join state study
    Cleveland Cliffs Corp. has dropped its plans to conduct an independent study into the potential health effects of mineral fibers on miners and other residents. Instead, they will participate in a state-sponsored study being conducted by the University of Minnesota.December 18, 2007
  • The work-at-home spillover
    Workers have more flexibility at work than ever before, but there's a tradeoff. As more people work from home, the separation between work and home life becomes blurred.Midmorning, December 14, 2007
  • Worthington still smarting one year after Swift raid
    There is still intense debate over the value of a national immigration raid one year ago against the Swift meatpacking company. More than 200 illegal immigrants were rounded up in southwest Minnesota.December 12, 2007
  • Mayo Clinic doctors examine sick pork handlers
    Doctors at the Mayo Clinic say they suspect direct contact with pig brains may have caused to the neurological illnesses of workers at Quality Pork Processing in Austin, Minn. Last week the Minnesota Department of Health revealed 11 workers are exhibiting symptoms.December 7, 2007
  • Critics voice concerns at Iron Range power plant EIS meeting
    The critics ruled at a public meeting for a proposed Iron Range power plant Tuesday. The gathering in the town of Taconite was to hear comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Excelsior Energy's proposed coal gasification power plant.November 28, 2007
  • Franken nets AFSCME backing in Senate bid
    Democrat Al Franken has netted a big endorsement in his bid to challenge Republican Sen. Norm Coleman next year. The political arm of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 5 voted Saturday to back Franken.November 19, 2007
  • Minnesota jobless rate drops slightly to 4.7 percent
    While the jobless rate declined from 4.9 percent in September, it was still higher than the 4 percent which was recorded in October 2006. Minnesota's jobless rate of 4.7 percent matched the national unemployment rate.November 13, 2007
  • One employer eases a vet's deployment and reintegration to civilian life
    Some business go to great lengths to help employees and their families when they're called up for military service. That assistance, says one central Minnesota man, helped make his deployment and transition back to civilian life, more manageable.November 11, 2007
  • Why the glass ceiling still exists
    Recent research reveals a dilemma for women leaders, trying to exhibit leadership and toughness. Midmorning explores the challenges to finding a straightforward answer to why there aren't more women leaders in the workplace.Midmorning, November 8, 2007
  • Fair matches Iraq war vets with jobs
    Employers met face to face Tuesday with current and former members of the military who are looking for new jobs. Organizers of the veterans job fair say these soldiers possess many skills in high demand in the workplace.November 6, 2007
  • Boston Scientific begins cutting jobs locally
    Job cuts announced a few weeks ago by Massachusetts-based Boston Scientific have begun hitting the company's Maple Grove stent facility. Monday night and Tuesday, employees got word they were being laid off. One source says more than 300 jobs have been cut in Maple Grove.November 6, 2007
  • Finding work after war
    Once they've survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, military veterans have to either reclaim jobs held for them or look for new work. Job search expert Amy Lindgren offers ideas for former soldiers in the midst of transition.Midmorning, November 5, 2007

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