
War & Conflict

  • A look at China
    Carleton College political science professor Roy Grow, just back from several months in China, discusses politics in China, SARS, the North Korea nuclear problem and other events that occurred during his stay.May 8, 2003
  • The future for Afghanistan
    Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld recently declared "major combat activity" ended in Afghanistan and urged other countries help with reconstruction. The U.S. has committed billions of dollars to the effort, but Afghanistan remains unstable in some regions.May 5, 2003
  • Poll gives President Bush's performance high marks
    The latest Minnesota Public Radio-Pioneer Press opinion poll shows overwhelming approval of George W. Bush's performance as president.May 5, 2003
  • Genocide and American foreign policy
    Samantha Power, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and executive director at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government spoke Wednesday at the University of Minnesota. Power says the United States should do more to try to stop genocide throughout the world. Her recent book is "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide". The event was arranged by The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and the College of Liberal Arts.May 2, 2003
  • President Bush addresses the nation
    A report on President Bush's remarks Thursday evening about the conclusion of the war in Iraq, and analysis about the future of U.S. involvement in that nation.May 2, 2003
  • After combat, the need for aid in Iraq
    There's a desperate need for medicine and food on the ground in Iraq. Non-governmental aid workers are trying to do the job amid danger and conflicting groups.May 2, 2003
  • Bush says difficult work remains to be done in Iraq
    President Bush, on an aircraft carrier homebound from the war, told the nation Thursday that "we have difficult work to do in Iraq" to rebuild the country and promote democracy - and to find Saddam Hussein and any weapons of mass destruction.May 2, 2003
  • Stopping genocide
    The world's recent history has brought a significant change: the systematic extermination of human beings. And the United States, as a major power at the time of genocides, has had to grapple with what to do when mass killings take place.April 30, 2003
  • Anne Garrels, back from Iraq
    A veteran foreign correspondent, NPR's Anne Garrels began reporting from Iraq on an on-and-off basis last fall. In early March, she began filing daily reports from Baghdad. As the war in Iraq officially began, Garrels stayed. She was the only U.S. network staffer to continue broadcasting from the heart of the Iraqi capital. She was also the only American female reporter there.April 28, 2003
  • Historian and author Howard Zinn
    A speech given Wednesday by historian Howard Zinn, at the University of St. Thomas, about the war in Iraq.April 25, 2003
  • NPR's Tom Gjelten on reporting the Iraq war
    Tom Gjelten, one of National Public Radio's lead reporters during the war in Iraq, spoke Monday in the Twin Cities about his thoughts on how the war in Iraq was reported. The ceremony, held each year to celebrate the best public affairs reporting in Minnesota, is sponsered by the Minnesota Journalism Center at the University of Minnesota's School of Journalism.April 24, 2003
  • Middle East peace process
    Championed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush's closest ally in the war in Iraq, the road map's release could help blunt Arab and European charges that the United States was too preoccupied with the war in Iraq to make a solid commitment to the Middle East peace process.April 24, 2003
  • Back in the U.S.A.
    A veteran foreign correspondent, NPR's Anne Garrels began reporting from Iraq on an on-and-off basis last fall. In early March, she began filing daily reports from Baghdad. As the war in Iraq officially began, Garrels stayed. She was the only U.S. network staffer to continue broadcasting from the heart of the Iraqi capital. She was also the only American female reporter there. So many listeners have inquired about Garrels' well-being that NPR's Susan Stamberg traveled to check in with Garrels at her home in northwestern Connecticut. (NPR Web site)April 24, 2003
  • Political currents in Iraq
    Various political parties are emerging in Iraq in a very fluid situation. Leaders and organizations look for support among Iraq's diverse population.April 24, 2003
  • North Korea, U.S. talks begin
    The United States and North Korea have plodded through decades of mistrust and miscommunication, dating to armistice talks at the end of the Korean War. Three days of discussions being held in Beijing to talk about North Korean's suspected nuclear weapons program, mark the first time in six months that the two sides have met face to face.April 23, 2003

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