
War & Conflict

  • RNC protesters consider court action
    Anti-war protesters say they may go to court to try to get the parade route they want during the Republican National Convention in September.May 22, 2008
  • Errol Morris examines the pictures of Abu Ghraib
    Documentary film director Errol Morris says he's always been fascinated by photographs, and has long wanted to do a film about how they can shape history.May 21, 2008
  • Future of Middle East beyond Iraq
    News from the Middle East is rarely positive, but one longtime Middle East correspondent says the region is in the midst of a transformation that could lead to a more open and democratic society.Midmorning, May 20, 2008
  • Veterans affairs for the 21st century
    U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary James Peake addresses an audience at the National Press Club about the needs of veterans in the 21st century.Midday, May 20, 2008
  • St. Paul and RNC protesters avoid hearing
    Attorneys for Republican National Convention protesters and the City of St. Paul have averted a federal court hearing scheduled for today. The two sides were able to resolve other issues for the court late Thursday.May 16, 2008
  • St. Paul teens make their voices heard
    A group of St. Paul high school teens are adding their voices to some serious discussions, and they're being heard.May 15, 2008
  • A history of conflict in Minnesota
    As part of Minnesota Public Radio's Sesquicentennial history series, Midday explores the history of American Indians in Minnesota, including a rebroadcast of an MPR special report about the U.S. Dakota Conflict of 1862 titled "Minnesota's Uncivil War."Midday, May 15, 2008
  • Why the U.S. has failed to find peace in the Middle East
    Woodrow Wilson Center public policy scholar Aaron Miller spent over 20 years with the State Department working on the Arab-Israel peace process. He's now out with a new book that details why he thinks the U.S. has been unable to broker a peace agreement in the Middle East. He discussed his book, "The Much Too Promised Land: America's Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace," in a recent speech at the City Club of Cleveland.Midday, May 14, 2008
  • The story of Israel
    As Israel reaches its 60th anniversary, Professor Michael Barnett of the University of Minnesota talks about the history and politics of the founding of Israel.Midday, May 13, 2008
  • Pipe bomb closes Eden Valley City Hall
    The Eden Valley City Hall had to be evacuated Tuesday, after someone brought in a pipe bomb they had found in a storage shed.May 7, 2008
  • 'Son of Rambow' director enhances his childhood memories
    When Garth Jennings and Nick Goldsmith made the movie "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" a couple of years ago, they set aside the film the really wanted to make, "Son of Rambow." Now after being a hit at Sundance, the film is about to open in Minnesota.May 5, 2008
  • Hastings National Guard battalion on way to Iraq
    A deployment ceremony is being held in Hastings for 40 Minnesota National Guard soldiers who are on their way to Iraq.May 3, 2008
  • Iraq war movies attract a lukewarm response at the box office
    Next week former talkshow host Phil Donahue's new documentary "Body of War" opens in the Twin Cities. It's just the latest movie about the Iraq conflict.May 2, 2008
  • Minnesota National Guard unit called to active duty
    The Minnesota National Guard says more than 40 soldiers from a unit based in Hastings have been ordered to active duty and will go to Iraq.April 30, 2008
  • More attacks erupt in Iraq
    Ambassador Barbara Bodine of Princeton University joins Midday to discuss diplomacy and the war in Iraq.Midday, April 28, 2008

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