
War & Conflict

  • Remembering WWI, through the eyes of veterans
    When "The World War I Living History Project" produced a radio documentary in 2006, there were 14 surviving American veterans of that war. The documentary tells the story of WWI with their help. Today only one veteran is still living: 109-year-old Frank Buckles.Midday, November 10, 2010
  • Man pleads not guilty in terror group funding case
    A Minnesotan says he's not guilty of federal charges that he plotted to send money to a terrorist group in Somalia that the U.S. says has ties to al-Qaida.November 9, 2010
  • Obama makes long-awaited return to Indonesia
    After two years of waiting, Indonesians are finally getting the chance to welcome back their adopted son. But the euphoria that swept the predominantly Muslim country after Barack Obama's election victory has been replaced by a dose of reality.November 9, 2010
  • Officials suspect Sept. dry run for bomb plot
    The three packages contained papers, books and other materials headed for Chicago. But officials now believe the September shipments were a dry run for the Yemen-to-Chicago mail bomb plot uncovered last week.November 2, 2010
  • Nash takes oath as new Minn. National Guard head
    Maj. Gen. Richard Nash is now officially the 30th Adjutant General of the Minnesota National Guard.November 1, 2010
  • U.S. issues mail advisory, tightens cargo scrutiny
    The U.S. and allied governments tightened their scrutiny of air cargo and shipped packages Monday, asking consumers and businesses for more vigilance as investigators scanned for more mail bombs possibly sent from Yemen.November 1, 2010
  • Yemen arrests woman suspected in mail bomb case
    Yemeni authorities on Saturday arrested a woman suspected of sending two mail bombs found on cargo planes and are searching for more suspects believed linked to al-Qaida, Yemeni security officials said.October 30, 2010
  • Terror plot thwarted as US-bound explosives seized
    Authorities on three continents thwarted multiple terrorist attacks aimed at the United States from Yemen on Friday, seizing two explosive packages addressed to Chicago-area synagogues and packed aboard cargo jets. The plot triggered worldwide fears that al-Qaida was launching a major new terror campaign.October 29, 2010
  • Iran to seize U.S. woman's bail unless she returns
    Tehran's prosecutor said Tuesday Iran will seize the $500,000 bail posted by an American woman freed from prison last month if she does not return for the start of her trial on Nov. 6.October 26, 2010
  • Film by Iran prisoner Bauer to show in Mpls.
    A film documentary about Africa's troubled Darfur region that was co-produced by Shane Bauer, the Minnesota native now captive in Iran, is getting a Minneapolis showing.October 23, 2010
  • Iraq war leaks: No US investigation of many abuses
    The documents are among nearly 400,000 released Friday by the WikiLeaks website in defiance of Pentagon insistence that the action puts the lives of U.S. troops and their coalition partners at risk.October 22, 2010
  • The military-civilian divide
    Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently gave a speech in which he warned about the growing divide between the military and civilian world, and the creation of a military leadership that has less and less in common with the people it has sworn to defend. Midmorning examines the military-civilian divide and its repercussions.Midmorning, October 22, 2010
  • Guard soldiers deployed to Afghanistan
    The Minnesota National Guard held a deployment ceremony Thursday at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul honoring 12 soldiers heading to Afghanistan for a year-long tour of duty.October 21, 2010
  • US to sell $60 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia
    The Obama administration notified Congress on Wednesday that it plans to sell up to $60 billion in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia in one of the largest-ever single U.S. arms sales.October 20, 2010
  • Troops discharged for being gay try to re-enlist
    At least three service members discharged for being gay have begun the process to re-enlist after the Pentagon directed the military to accept openly gay recruits for the first time in the nation's history.October 20, 2010

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