
War & Conflict

  • Obama: Mubarak must deliver on democracy promise
    President Barack Obama says he's spoken to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and told him he has a responsibility to take concrete steps to deliver on promises of better democracy and greater economic opportunity.January 28, 2011
  • Mubarak on TV demands cabinet resign
    Egypt's military deployed on the streets of Cairo to enforce a nighttime curfew on a day of rioting that was a major escalation in the challenge to the country's authoritarian president's 30-year rule.January 28, 2011
  • Understanding the protests in Egypt
    Protestors in Egypt are demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule. Why is this happening and what is likely to come of it? What are the implications for stability in the middle east?Midday, January 28, 2011
  • Is today a turning point for Egypt?
    Huge crowds have taken to the streets across Egypt in protests against the country's government. The BBC program "World Have Your Say" hosts a worldwide discussion on the massive demonstrations and police crackdown. The program shifts later in the hour to look at the legacy of Nelson Mandela.Midday, January 28, 2011
  • Is now the time for a new Arab democracy?
    The BBC program "World Have Your Say" invites callers from around the world to weigh in on the wave of protests that have erupted in Egypt, Yemen, and other Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The overthrow of the government in Tunisia has inspired protestors, but will they have the same success?Midday, January 27, 2011
  • Newsmaker: Unrest in Egypt
    The government of Egypt is intensifying its efforts to stamp out protests in Cairo, and reports suggest an attempt to block access to social media sites that are a key means of communication for protesters.Midmorning, January 27, 2011
  • Color-coded terror warnings to be gone by April 27
    By the end of April, terror threats to the U.S. will no longer be described in shades of green, blue, yellow, orange and red, The Associated Press has learned.January 26, 2011
  • Twenty years after Somali government collapse, Minnesota youth reflect on ongoing war
    Kids who play soccer in Mogadishu know what to do when a fight breaks out near their playground.January 26, 2011
  • Lessons from a war-zone coffee shop
    Deborah Rodriguez dealt with patrons of all kinds when she ran a hair salon in Afghanistan. She wrote a memoir of that time called "Kabul Beauty School." Now she's turned to fiction with her first novel "A Cup For Friendship," which is also set in that country.January 25, 2011
  • Moscow airport terror attack kills at least 31
    A suicide bomber set off an explosion that ripped through Moscow's busiest airport on Monday, coating its international arrivals terminal in blood. The attack killed at least 31 people and wounded nearly 170, Russian officials said.January 24, 2011
  • 2,400 Minn. Guard troops to be deployed to Kuwait
    The "Red Bulls" will leave for training in May and will be be deployed to Kuwait this summer, Maj. Gen. Richard Nash announced on Sunday.January 24, 2011
  • Gunbattle at Tunisian presidential palace
    Tunisian authorities struggled to restore order Sunday, arresting the top presidential security chief and trying to stop gunfights that erupted across the capital.January 16, 2011
  • Tunisian PM assumes power after anti-govt riots
    Tunisia's president declared a state of emergency Friday and announced that he would fire his government as thousands of protesters mobbed the capital to demand his ouster. Gunfire rang out across Tunis, clouds of tear gas filled the streets and police beat any protesters they could grab.January 14, 2011
  • If shooting suspect were foreign, we'd call him a terrorist
    The alleged gunman is an American, so we focus on his mental state. If he were Arab, we'd focus on his politics.January 12, 2011
  • Dayton appoints ex-Guard head to Minn. vet post
    Gov. Mark Dayton has picked former Minnesota National Guard Adjutant Gen. Larry Shellito as his veterans affairs commissioner.January 12, 2011

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